TopBraid Technology Training
Let us recommend the right combination of modules to meet your implementation needs
Course Modules
We typically recommended that students take the foundation class “Intro to Semantic Standards with TopBraid Composer” before taking TopBraid Technology courses. Equivalent experience may be substituted.
TBP-201: Administering TopBraid EDG
Security, Backup and Recovery, Moving data and applications between servers, High Availability, Troubleshooting..
TBP-202: Graph Management with TopBraid
Organizing graphs, managing namespaces, best practices for URIs, imports, structuring of ontologies and other asset collection types.
TBP-203: Data Validation and Reasoning with SHACL
Using SHACL to create data integrity constraints, define executable mapping and transformation rules and perform other types of reasoning. Use SPARQL to create user-defined SHACL constraint components.
TBP-204: TopBraid EDG APIs and Web Services
Using GraphQL to read and write TopBraid EDG data. Understanding pre-built RESTFul web services. Using SPIN templates, SPARQLMotion and SPARQL Web Pages (SWP) to create new web services.
TBP-205: Data Ingestion and Semantic ETL with TopBraid EDG
Model-based data integration and transformation using SPARQLMotion and SWP scripting. Adding new importers to TopBraid EDG.
TBP-206: Teamworks Framework
Using Teamworks Framework to access change history, to create new asset collection types and extend and extend capabilities of pre-built collection types.
TBP-207: SWP scripting
Understanding and using SPARQL Web Pages to customize existing applications and develop new capabilities.