TopBraid Explorer

Use your enterprise knowledge graph to empower all stakeholders
Scalable and easy to use
TopBraid Explorer lets a broader community of data stakeholders work with the enterprise knowledge graph curated by TopBraid EDG. Individual asset collections are published from EDG to Explorer as they become ready to be used.
TopBraid Explorer lets all stakeholders search, query and view all published information. It offers easy to use Google-like search as well as visual exploration of graph connections, data lineage and impact. For application access, Explorer offers rich semantic services delivered through flexible and scalable APIs.
This module can be added to any of TopBraid EDG packages for cost effective access to EDG knowledge graph by people and APIs.
Why TopBraid Explorer?
TopBraid Explorer is installed on a separate server for scalable access by people and APIs. This setup separates the information curation environment and associated workloads from the information use environment.
Publishing to Explorer can be controlled through different methods – on demand publishing, scheduled, workflow-controlled publishing or just-in-time replication of changes to some or all asset collections.
TopBraid Explorer users can search across all published information, view it and can create comments for the information curation team.