Release Notes

TopBraid 7.3

EDG 7.3 Release

TopQuadrant is excited to announce TopBraid EDG 7.3 . EDG 7.3 features many improvements requested by customers including Workflow improvements, new Asset Collection editor features, simplified UI navigation, and Search the EDG enhancements.

More details about these and other features are provided in the sections below.

Key Improvements of 7.3

User Interface Improvements


Search Panel UX Updates

In EDG 7.3, the EDG Editor Search Panel navigation has been simplified based on user feedback:

  • The Search Panel now has one streamlined navigation bar
  • Adding columns is readily available directly from the table (+)
  • Filters are available next to the Search filter with a popup menu
  • Asset Type Selectors are combined for optimal use of space

See Search Panel Documentation for more details


EDG Header UX Improvements

EDG header navigation now contains a breadcrumb for asset collections and workflows. The asset collection title has much more room with the new design.  Some navigation features have been slightly rearranged for a better user experience. 


Return all language matches for the Search Panel

A new configuration option allows EDG users to look up strings from languages other than those specified in the browser settings. Enable this option in EDG Configuration Parameters via Server Administration.

SPARQL Query Panel Cancel

A stop or cancel button is now available on the SPARQL Query Panel to abort long running queries.


A new configuration option is available under “Lucene” on the EDG Configuration Parameters page to enable Search the EDG system-wide. When marking true, all asset collections are included in Search the EDG. When set to false, asset collections need to be individually selected for Search the EDG from the Governance Area page or Manage tab.  User permission still applies.


Concurrent Users Management

Based on user feedback, administrators of EDG can now view each active EDG session (or license seat) through Server Administration. If needed, users’ sessions can be cancelled through this page, which will remove their access to EDG for 30 minutes.

Automatically Create Inverse Property Definition

In cases where a property shape is attached to a class (not NodeShape), once the sh:class has been entered in the create new dialog and the path is a URI predicate, the create Relationship dialog will have a checkbox to “Create inverse property definition next”. Checking this box will then automatically open another dialog where the path is the sh:inversePath of the predicate, and the host class is the sh:class of the forward property, and the sh:class is the current host class.

Limit Problems and Suggestions

For better performance, the Problems and Suggestions panel now includes a setting to limit the number of constraint violation results. 

Workflow Improvements

EDG now makes it easier to send workflow notifications for changes to a workflow’s status. For customers enabling mail settings, a configuration option is available to turn on all email notifications to the users who may move the workflow to the next state. Administrators and power users will not be notified.


Edited Assets Panel for Workflows

Workflows have a new panel in the EDG editor to view assets that have been edited in this workflow. Actions such as add to Basket, add to Asset List, or run Problems and Suggestions can be executed on the set of edited assets.


Governance Model Permissions

New to EDG 7.3, every user in EDG will automatically be granted viewer access to any collection included in the Governance Model reducing potential issues accessing EDG content for new users when customizing the Governance Model. 

Additional Improvements to Workflows

  • Workflow transitions now support a new property on custom workflow templates that states that the transaction is only possible if there are no validation errors – teamwork:blockOnValidationSeverity.
  • For voting workflows, the votes and comments are now shown on the Transition History Report for workflows.
  • The workflow summary page now includes more detailed information from the workflow template such as what roles are applicable to the workflow.
  • Workflow templates now support a property to restrict the role that can view and start a particular workflow – teamwork:requiredGovernanceRoleOnCreate. 
  • Workflow templates can be restricted to allow form edits for only designated resources – teamwork:editableInWorkflowScript. For example teamwork:editableInWorkflowScript “focusNode.instanceOf(skos.Concept)”


Integration with Hashicorp 

EDG 7.3 adds the option to integrate with Hashicorp Vault secrets management tool for managing stored credentials in EDG. EDG’s pre-build Jasypt credentials manager remains the default option. See EDG Installation Guide for more details.


Improvements and bug fixes for 7.3.1

  • Fixed errors with the backup utility and deleted collections
  • Fixed creating collections via Github
  • Added missing property shapes for DDL and JDBC import
  • Fixed sh:in string property values in drop-down lists in Search panel
  • Fix for but where users with workflow permissions on governance roles will incorrectly be assigned those permissions on production copies as well when permissions are set in the workflow template via teamwork:editorWorkflowParticipantProperty or 
  • Various other bug fixes detailed in change log

Known Issues for 7.3

  • Restore utility fails on prefixes without modifying the permissiongroup.ttl file for any_role. Please contact support for assistance. 
  • User with workflow permissions on governance roles will incorrectly be assigned those permissions on production copies as well when permissions are set in the workflow template via teamwork:editorWorkflowParticipantProperty or 
    teamwork:managerWorkflowParticipantProperty. This is fixed in EDG 7.3.1


For more details see:

Change Log:

TopBraid Suite Change Log 7.3.0

TopBraid Suite Change Log 7.3.1

Migrations and Upgrades:

Migration and Upgrade Doc

Previous Release:

TopBraid 7.2