Panels and Layouts in TopBraid EDG Editor Applications

Panels and Layouts in TopBraid EDG Editor Applications This video demonstrates how to create different views (AKA layouts) for the content editing pages in TopBraid EDG. Editing pages consist of one or more panels (or windows). Each panel offers some functionality,...

Assets Lists in TopBraid EDG

Assets Lists in TopBraid EDG This video shows how to build lists of assets. Lists can be used as a set of bookmarks or to-do items for yourself. They can also be used to collaborate with other users by sharing named lists. Ready to Get Started? Get in touch today to...

Stewardship as Part of the Governance Model in TopBraid EDG

Stewardship as Part of the Governance Model in TopBraid EDG This video demonstrates how to set up asset stewardship responsibilities in TopBraid EDG by assigning governance roles. In this video, we describe how governance roles are used to drive TopBraid EDG support...

Assets and Asset Collections in TopBraid EDG

Assets and Asset Collections in TopBraid EDG This  video provides a high-level overview of TopBraid EDG metamodel. It reviews assets and asset types in TopBraid EDG and how they are organized into different types of asset collections. For information on how to:...