Getting Started with Knowledge Graphs: Main Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Some RDF-based standards and technologies been available for over 20 years now. During this period, the standards have evolved and matured and so have the best practices and our understanding of what works and what does not.

This webinar is informed by working with many industry customers over the last 20 years, as they learned about and applied knowledge graph technologies. We will discuss some of the key challenges faced by the new (and sometimes not so new) users and how they can be addressed today.


This webinar covers the state of best practices on how to:


  • Define URIs – URI design is often the first stumbling block for new users
  • Create, define and use ontology models
  • Ensure that developers appreciate and like to use RDF
  • Capture statements about statements – so-called reification has long been a “pain point” in using RDF graphs, and it no longer has to be
  • Take advantage of reasoning or inferencing — which can be complex topics
  • Use task appropriate visualizations – pure graph visualizations are not always suitable

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Get in touch today to learn how to improve semantic data governance for your enterprise.