“Semantic data standards already exist in the oil and gas industry which can enable you to integrate different types of data together or answer difficult questions. David Price of TopQuadrant explains how.” Download the...

SPIN Vocabulary for Column Metadata

When we started implementing the EPIM ReportingHub project, we had to come up with a mechanism that allows us and others to represent tabular reporting data derived from an RDF triple store. For example, there needed to be a table that lists drilling fluid information...

Defining SPARQL Functions with SWP

One of the best kept secrets about SPIN is its ability to define new SPARQL functions that encapsulate complex sub-queries into reusable building blocks. Normal SPIN functions are limited to whatever can be expressed in SPARQL, by means of a nested spin:body query....

An Extended Turtle Format

Several RDF/OWL ontologies use blank node structures to represent complex objects. For example, OWL uses blank nodes to represent class expression trees consisting of intersections, unions and restrictions. Other ontologies use “reified” objects that...

Tutorial: Customizing SWA Forms

SPARQL Web Pages (SWP) is a declarative language that represents user interface elements with an RDF vocabulary. It is tightly integrated into TopBraid Suite: TopBraid Composer is used for editing and the TopBraid Live server executes them for web applications. Its...