Much of the data today is held in spreadsheets. Not surprisingly, there is a lot interest in transforming spreadsheet data into RDF.

Spreadsheets are very flexible. The most commonly used format is a simple table with a column header on top. But there are spreadsheets that communicate hierarchical structures, spreadsheets that contain multiple tables within a single worksheet and spreadsheets that have other, potentially complex, semantics.

To address the need to capture this type of information and the semantic relationships encoded in the spreadsheet structure, the TopBraid product family offers different capabilities for transforming spreadsheets into the semantic standards representation RDF. These capabilities range from simple “out of the box” mappings to more sophisticated transformations.

To provide guidance for when and how to use each specific capability, we want to highlight a just published technical white paper USING TOPBRAID TO WORK WITH SPREADSHEET DATA which describes how to import and transform different types of spreadsheet data into meaningful, structured information in RDF. We hope that the white paper will provide you with enough information to easily bring your spreadsheets into the world of RDF and Linked Data. Enjoy and let us know if you have any questions.