Matrix Panel

The Matrix Panel can be used to display or edit a relationship between two sets of assets. One of the sets is rendered as rows and the other set as columns of a table.

To populate the Matrix:

  1. Select the assets that shall become rows in one of the panels that support batch actions such as the Search Panel, Instances Panel or Asset List Panel. Then click on Batch Actions > Use as Matrix Rows. This will open the Matrix Panel.

  2. On the Matrix Panel, select the relationship you want to render. The available relationships depend on the type of the assets that serve as rows.

  3. Select the asset(s) that shall become columns. You can either use Batch Actions > Use as Matrix Columns or, if you only need a single value as column, Explore > Use as Matrix Column.

This will display a table with checkboxes that are ticked whenever there is a relationship between the row and column assets. If you have edit permissions, you can use those checkboxes to add or remove relationships.


The Matrix Panel works best if one set of assets is small enough to fit into the vertical columns. It is therefore usually best to render the smaller of the two sets as columns, ideally not more than 10.

Typical use cases of the Matrix Panel are:

  • You have a list of Tasks (rows) and a want to distribute them to a (limited) list of Persons (columns)

  • You have a list of Countries (rows) and want to assign them to Continents (columns)

  • You have a list of Skills (rows) and want to check whether a given Person has them

See Also

Further Reading on TopBraid