Settings > Includes

This feature from the Settings Tab shows which other asset collections or file-based graphs are included into the current asset collection. If you have edit permissions on the asset collection, you can click on Includes to enter a wizard where you can change which collections are included.

Technically, includes are represented using the owl:imports property.


Including an asset collection makes all assets that are defined in them available as read-only assets. The locally defined assets may reference them, even add statements to them, but cannot modify the included assets. Some workflows can execute edits that affect multiple asset collections at once.


Includes are transitive which means that if asset collection A includes B and B includes C then all statements from C also become visible to A. The feature here only shows the immediate includes.


When you remove an included asset collection, it is possible that your asset collection (or other asset collections that include yours) end up with broken references.

See Also

Further Reading on TopBraid