Modify > Add Label Property Declaration

This feature is available from the Modify Menu of classes or node shapes in Ontology asset collections. It adds a property declaration for the label (rdfs:label) attribute, following best ontology design practices.


When you are creating a new class, as subclass of Thing, it will not have any attributes and relationships yet. This means that instances of that class will basically show up empty on the Form Panel. It is a common practice that assets use the label (rdfs:label) property to represent the display label, and even the various create asset dialogs use that property by default. Using this feature will make sure that this label property is declared.

The action is only available for classes for which no other label property definition already exists, for example from its superclasses.


Some domain ontologies define a single root class from which all other classes inherit. With that design, you would only need to declare the label once, at the root, and all other classes will inherit that property.

See Also

Further Reading on SHACL

Further Reading on Ontologies

Further Reading on Modify Menu

Further Reading on TopBraid