Export > Export with Includes as a File

This feature from the Export Tab can be used to download the current asset collection and its included asset collections or graphs into a single file in one of these formats:

  • TriG is a W3C standard similar to Turtle, but for exchanging whole data sets (collections

    of graphs) instead of individual graphs.

  • Zip is a binary file format to share one or more files as compressed archives.

    In TopBraid, these zip files will contain individual Turtle files.

The files created here can later be re-imported into other TopBraid instances using the Create Multiple Asset Collections from the dialog that is opened from the New Button.


The TriG format will mix up all namespace prefix declarations from all graphs. This means that on re-import, all asset collections and files will get the same prefix declarations. For this reason we recommend using the zip format instead.

See Also

Further Reading on TopBraid