Create Class Dialog

This dialog is opened whenever you try to create a new class, for example from the Create Class button on the Class Hierarchy Panel or the New button on the Class List Panel.


  • Label will become the label (rdfs:label) of the new class.

  • ID will be used as identifier (URI) of the class.

  • Description will be used as rdfs:comment of the new class.

  • Superclass is visible when no parent class has been selected before the dialog

    was opened, allowing you to pick a superclass.


Every class in your ontology should have at least one named superclass. Otherwise the class is hard to find in the class hierarchy and also unreachable by various other algorithms.


The usual naming convention is to use upper-case names for classes but lower-case names for properties.

TopBraid will automatically make all newly created classes also (SHACL) node shapes. This means that they can carry property declarations and other constraints later.

See Also

Further Reading on Ontologies

Further Reading on TopBraid