Viewing Metrics Dashboards

Metrics Dashboards available from the left navigation menu of EDG, are used for visual representations of data in your EDG application. Pre-built dashboards are available for workflows, governance subject areas and data elements. Additional dashboards can be built as a customization to your EDG platform.

EDG administrators can activate metrics dashboards, using EDG Configuration Parameters > Teamwork Platform Parameters > Metrics dashboards activated (see Administrator Guide). And they can also edit the resulting GOVERNANCE MODEL > Dashboards item. To activate each dashboard in the governance model, you will need to modify the Governance Model Collection. The Default Dashboard contains each dashboard gadget such as Data Elements and Governance Roles. Select “activate” to true.


Creating new Metrics Dashboards requires advanced TopBraid developer knowledge in order to generate the scripts needed to supply data and add visualizations. Upcoming releases will include additional scripts for a variety of metrics.

If you are interested in the possibilities for tailoring TopBraid EDG Metrics Dashboards to better suit your needs, please contact TopQuadrant to explore the following options:

  • Have TopQuadrant quickly configure a customized EDG solution to meet your detailed requirements. We will be pleased to quote and provide affordable customization and tailoring services.

  • Enable your organization to develop and maintain customizations for EDG by guiding and training your selected personnel to perform the variety of customization capabilities.