Upgrades and Migrations

Before upgrading from an older version of EDG, consult this documentation for migration tasks that might apply to your upgrade. The migration documentation keeps your data and the EDG application functioning correctly after an upgrade, please pay close attention to those details. You can upgrade from any previous release straight to the current release, but you’ll need to use the migration documentation starting at the version you’re currently on and following along to current release. For example, if you upgrade from version 6.4 to 7.1 you’ll need to follow the migration notes for 6.4 to 7.0 and 7.0 to 7.1.

Migration Instructions

  • Please make sure to take backups of everything (workspace, database, tomcat installation, etc.) first.

  • Workspaces cannot be downgraded once you upgrade. If you need to revert versions of EDG, you will have to use the backed up workspace.

  • If you need to, take screenshots of your setting on the Rights Management page.

  • Have your credentials and connections strings/URLs handy for Explorer, RDBMS and S3 connections.

  • Upgrade on your test/development environment successfully before the production environment gets upgraded. This is important when testing customizations to the UI or models especially.

7.0 Migrations

Unknown panels

  • Users may have saved layouts with the NeighborGram panel. If so, this will come up as unknown panel. Please close the panel and re-save the layouts. Crosswalks may also get unknown panels. If so, select the default layout again and refresh your browser.

Sorted Turtle writer

  • Due to changes to the Sorted Turtle writer (also affecting .ttlx and ttlp) some files will look slightly different when you save them with the new version. You may see extra diffs, such as \” replaced with in multi-line literals.

Trace logging for license

  • <Logger name="org.topbraid.core.license.FormsAuthConcurrentUsers" level="trace" /> is deprecated.

Property shape changes

  • There is a change related to how property shapes based on a complex path expression will show up on forms. Prior to 7.1, such properties would only show up when the ontology included a graphql:name for them. From 7.1 onwards they will show up even without a graphql:name. If these additional fields are undesirable, the property shape should be annotated with dash:hidden true.


  • The Export RDF File web services are now at /tbl/service/${graphId}/!/exportToRDF/${format}. Please update any API or scripts using this service.


  • There is a breaking change for those who have written ADS scripts that operate on ontologyspecific API classes (e.g. g_City for the g: namespace). Basically until now, the default was that those classes were always automatically generated. But that caused scalability problems for ontologies with many many classes. As of 7.1, we have reversed the logic so that ontology developers need to explicitly enumerate the prefixes for which those classes and constants should be generated.

To do that:
  1. Go to the “home” resource of your Ontology

  2. Add the triple ?ontology dash:generatePrefixClasses "g" if your code needs to use the ontology -specific JavaScript classes, e.g. g_City

  3. Add the triple ?ontology dash:generatePrefixConstants "g" if your code needs to use the ontology-specific constants, e.g. g.City

If you add those two triples, it should behave as before. But please make sure to not over-use these flags. In some cases it may be more prudent to only generate individual classes using dash:generateClass.


  • When upgrading to TBC-ME 7.1 with existing workspaces, start TBC-ME, remove edg.topbraidlive.org, Repositories and teamwork.topbraidlive.org projects in TBC-ME, select Windows > Perspective > Reset Perspective and restart TBC-ME.Note, this does not apply to EDG customers using TBC-ME to test customizations. EDG customers, please migrate your workspace to EDG studio (contact TopQuadrant support for any assistance needed)

Upgrade Steps from EDG 7.0

REQUIRED : TAKE A BACKUP OF THE WORKSPACE (You cannot revert a workspace). Read all the instructions prior to beginning.

  1. Stop Tomcat, make sure the process is fully stopped

  2. Backup and remove the /edg directory and edg.war file located in [Tomcat Root]/webapps/.

  3. Clear work and temp directories.

  4. Place the current releases’ edg.war found in the download package into the webapps directory

  5. Backup and remove Tomcat lib directory. Extract TopBraid-Auth.zip from current releases’ download package into new lib directory. Add any additional custom (non-TopQuadrant) jars from previous lib directory specific to your organizaion.

  6. Backup and clear the logs directory (optional)

  7. Start Tomcat (the current war creates a new /edg/ directory)

  8. If your installation used the Interactive setup method, this will need to be redone upon EDG startup. Please refer to backup copy of your previous EDG directory at edg/WEB-INF/setupdata/edg-setup.properties for previous values. Alternatively prior to upgrade, navigate to /edg/tbl/setup in the EDG UI and find these values at the bottom of the page.

  1. Perform migration steps applicable to your installation

  2. Regression test before upgrading production

Note: If your license has expired, you will need to install your new license before upgrading.