Migration Notes: EDG 7.8 to 8.0

Java 17 required

Java must be upgraded to version 17 (OpenJDK or Oracle). Other versions (older or newer) are not supported.

Tomcat 10 required

Tomcat must be upgraded to version 10. Other versions (older or newer) are not supported.

Authentication changes

The authentication system has been redesigned. Migration steps depend on the previous authentication method:

Steps for SAML and OAuth

Authentication must be configured as described in SAML Authentication and Authentication with OAuth 2.0. This involves creating a saml2.yaml and/or oauth2.yaml configuration file. Most values can be copied from your previous installation’s context.xml file.

Steps for Form and Basic authentication with users defined in tomcat-users.xml

No action required as of EDG 8.0. However, this option will be removed in a future release, and customers should migrate to the new configuration involving users.yaml, as described in Form Authentication and HTTP Basic Authentication.

Steps for Form and Basic authentication with LDAP integration

This is no longer officially supported. See LDAP Authentication for more information.

New: OpenID Connect (OIDC)

This is available as a new authentication option: Authentication with OpenID Connect (OIDC)

Interactive setup form has been removed - must use setup file

EDG 7.x provided two setup options:

  1. Use of a Setup File

  2. Use of an interactive setup form

The interactive form has been removed. Installations that used interactive setup must convert to a setup file:

  1. Start with the template edg-setup.properties file that is included with the EDG server download.

  2. Locate the internal setup file in the old Tomcat’s webapps directory at /edg/WEB-INF/setupdata/edg-setup.properties

  3. Make changes to the template reflecting any settings in the internal setup file. Refer to the Setup field reference where needed. Ignore the startupCompleted field.

  4. Use this new edg-setup.properties file when setting up the new EDG version.

Re-apply Server Configuration and EDG Configuration parameters

After completing the upgrade, any changes previously made in the Server Administration area under Server Configuration Parameters and EDG Configuration Parameters must be re-aplied. The sections have been renamed to System Configuration and Product Configuration.

These settings were previously stored in a file config.ttl in the Workspace. They are now stored in dedicated asset collections.

Re-enter passwords

After completing the upgrade, any passwords previously entered under Server Configuration Parameters, EDG Configuration Parameters or Password Management must be re-entered.

Migrate SeparateTDB and RDBMS databases

Any EDG workspace configured to use a SeparateTDB or RDBMS database will need to migrate to SharedTDB, or upgrade to Data Platform.

A workspace that uses these database types cannot be upgraded directly to 8.0.

Contact TopQuadrant Support for detailed instructions.

Re-import Workflow Templates

Workflow Templates are now stored in the Platform Governance graph.

  1. Prior to upgrading download your workflow customizations graph

  2. After upgrading, RDF file import the file created in step 1 into the Platform Governance graph

Verify owl:imports of Platform Governance graph

Make sure that the Platform Governance graph includes the teamwork.ttl namespace. To verify, an admin or power user should visit Collections > Governance > Other Governance Assets and open the Source Code panel from the Panels drop down. Unless it’s already listed, add owl:imports <http://topbraid.org/teamwork> ;

Support for owl:SymmetricProperty dropped

Declarations of properties as owl:SymmetricProperty are ignored. Annotate the property shape with dash:symmetric to keep the same effect.

Review URI creation settings

The algorithm that creates URIs from labels now attempts to prevent URIs that cannot be abbreviated to qnames. Use the product configuration setting edgURIsMayNotAbbreviate to retain the old behaviour.

Migrate custom workflows with CommitRules/StatusChangeRules

The long-deprecated workflow actions framework has been deleted. Custom workflows that use the (typcially SWP-based) CommitRules or StatusChangeRules must be migrated to use (typically ADS-based) teamwork:WorkflowStatusScript.

Migrate teamwork:EditRules

Customizations that use (typcially SWP-based) teamwork:EditRules must migrate to (ADS-based) ChangeScript and CommitScripts.

Upgrade Maui Server

If the AutoClassifier feature is configured, its Maui Server back-end may require upgrading.

Maui Server 1.5.0-tq requires Java 17 and a Servlets 6.0 compatible servlet container such as Tomcat 10.1 (same as EDG 8.0).

Maui Server 1.4.0-tq and earlier require a Servlets 3.x or 4.x compatible servlet container. These versions will not work on an EDG 8.0 compatible servlet container. They can, however, be used with EDG 8.0 if they are running on a separate, compatible servlet container.

An upgrade from Maui Server 1.3.0 or earlier will require re-running the AutoClassifier training for all content tag sets that use AutoClassifier.