The Setup File

The setup file ( is the main EDG configuration file. It defines low-level configuration options such as data storage, workspace directory location and authentication method.

Higher-level options are set at runtime on the Server Administration Page.


In TopBraid EDG Studio, the setup file is optional, and reasonable default values are assumed.

The file uses a simple fieldName = value syntax. See Syntax for details.


An example setup file that can serve as a template is included with the EDG server download.

It can also be downloaded from the EDG application after it has been started, by appending assets/edg-setup/ to the URL where EDG has been deployed (often https://your-server/edg/, or http://localhost:8083/ for EDG Studio).


EDG checks the Java system property edg.setup to locate the setup file. The value must be the full absolute path and filename.

System properties can be set in various ways. The recommended way is to append to Tomcat’s CATALINA_OPTS environment variable:

On Linux/macOS:

Edit/create Tomcat’s bin/ file and add:

CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Dedg.setup=/var/lib/tomcat10/"
On Debian-based Linux distributions:

Edit /etc/default/tomcat10 and add:

CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Dedg.setup=/var/lib/tomcat10/"
On Windows:

Edit/create Tomcat’s bin\setenv.bat file and add:

set "CATALINA_OPTS=%CATALINA_OPTS% -Dedg-setup=/var/lib/tomcat10/"

For more information on setting CATALINA_OPTS, see the Tomcat documentation: Using the “setenv” script


In TopBraid EDG Studio, the setup file location is given on the command line with the -s or --setup-file option. The path may be relative. For example:

./edg -s

Setup field reference

This section lists all available setup fields, grouped thematically.



The location of the workspace, a directory that houses all the data for EDG. The directory must be persistent. Tomcat must have read and write access.

  • Syntax: Directory path

  • Default: -

  • Example: /var/lib/tomcat10/Workspace


The path to the TopQuadrant-provided product license file. EDG will not work without a valid license file.

If this field is specified in the setup file and the license file needs to to be updated later, then this must be done in the file system and a server restart is required.

If this field is not specified in the setup file, then EDG will ask for a license file to be uploaded when first running, and an administrator may later replace the license file through the Product Registration Admin Page.

  • Syntax: File path

  • Default: -

  • Example: ./edg-license.lic



Defines how users authenticate with EDG. See Authentication Overview for more information, and Authentication Methods for details on the available methods.


The default setting cookie is intended for local development and testing. It should never be used on a server.


Defines additional authentication methods for API clients and other integrations that connect to EDG APIs. See Authentication Overview for more information, and Authentication Methods for details on the available methods.

  • Syntax: Comma-separated list of basic, oauth2

  • Default: -

authMethod (deprecated)

Enables one of the Tomcat-based authentication methods. Cannot be combined with endUserAuthMethod or apiAuthMethods.

  • Syntax: One of form, basic

  • Default: -


The location and name of the users.yaml file which defines user accounts and security roles for some (non-SSO) authentication methods.


The location ane name of the cofiguration file for SAML Authentication.


The location ane name of the cofiguration file for Authentication with OpenID Connect (OIDC).


The location ane name of the cofiguration file for Authentication with OAuth 2.0.


Sets the realm name for HTTP Basic Authentication. The option is provided for completeness and has little relevance in practice.

  • Default: TopBraid EDG



These fields define security roles.

The securityRoles field defines one or more security roles without giving them any particular permission.

The other fields define security roles and also add them to a particular rights group.


Any EDG setup requires an administrator role. If no adminSecurityRoles are defined in the setup file, then ALL users will have administrator rights until an administrator role is manually selected (and the ANY_ROLE wildcard removed from AdministratorGroup) on the Rights Management Admin Page.


Removing a previously defined security role from one of the xxxSecurityRoles fields is not sufficient to remove it from the application. It must also be manually removed on the Rights Management Admin Page.

  • Syntax: Comma-separated list of names

  • Default: -

  • Example:

    adminSecurityRoles = admin
    powerUserSecurityRoles = poweruser
    managerSecurityRoles = manager
    explorerSecurityRoles = explorer
    securityRoles = user

Secure Storage


Selects the type of Secure Storage. This is the storage for passwords and other credentials that administrators or users enter into EDG.

  • With LocalFile, secrets will be stored encrypted in a local file.

  • With Hashicorp, EDG integrates with Hashicorp Vault

See the following subsections for setup fields specific to each Secure Storage type.

  • Syntax: One of LocalFile or Hashicorp

  • Default: LocalFile


This special syntax adds an entry to the Secure Storage without going through the manual UI of the Password Management Admin Page.

Secrets manually entered in the UI take precedence over those provided with the vault<...> syntax.

Secure Storage entries consist of:

  • a resource (usually a URL),

  • an optional username,

  • an optional scope which identifies an asset collection that the secret is associated with,

  • and the secret itself (usually a password or other credential).

The characters : and = occurring in resource, username or scope must be escaped as \: and \=.

To avoid storing secrets in plain text in the setup file, see Reading values from files or environment variables.

  • Syntax:

    vault<resource> = secret
    vault<username><resource> = secret
    vault<scope>/<username><resource> = secret
  • Example:

    vault<edg><jdbc\:mysql\://> = 5J;5Jz68/1}D
    vault<edg><jdbc\:mysql\://> = ${env:SC_PROD_DB_PASSWORD}

Secure Storage in local file

Setup fields for vaultType = LocalFile. With this type of Secure Storage, passwords and other credentials are stored encrypted in a local file.


The path to the file where encrypted passwords and other credentials are stored. Tomcat must have read and write access.

If not specified, the vault file is stored inside the EDG webapp directory.

  • Syntax: File path

  • Default: -

  • Example: ./


A master password used to encrypt and decrypt the vault file. To avoid storing this password in plain text in the setup file, see Reading values from files or environment variables.

Default: -


The encryption algorithm used for the vault file.

Secure Storage in Hashicorp Vault

Setup fields for vaultType = Hashicorp. With this type of Secure Storage, EDG integrates with Hashicorp Vault to store passwords and other credentials. See EDG Integration with Hashicorp Vault for more information.


The location of the Hashicorp Vault server. Must start with https:// to be secure.

  • Syntax: URL

  • Default: -

  • Example: http://localhost:8200


The data path used within Vault to store secrets for this EDG instance. It corresponds to a path from a policy configured in Vault.

  • Syntax: Vault path syntax

  • Default: -

  • Example: /kv/data/edg/secure-storage/


The metadata path used to list secrets in the data path. It is usually the data path with data replaced by metadata. It corresponds to a path from a policy configured in Vault.

  • Syntax: Vault path syntax

  • Default: -

  • Example: /kv/metadata/edg/secure-storage/


Selects how EDG autenticates with Hashicorp Vault. AppRole and TLS certificates are supported. Refer to the Hashicorp Vault documentation for details.

  • Syntax: AppRole or TLS

  • Default: AppRole


For hashicorpVaultAuthMethod = AppRole: The role-id configured in Vault for EDG.

  • Syntax: Usually a UUID

  • Default: -


The secret-id for the AppRole given in hashicorpVaultRoleId.

  • Syntax: Usually a UUID

  • Default: -


For hashicorpVaultAuthMethod = TLS: A trusted certificate file that has been configured in Vault for EDG.

  • Syntax: File path

  • Default: -

  • Example: ./cert.pem


For hashicorpVaultAuthMethod = TLS: The private key file for the trusted certificate.

  • Syntax: File path

  • Default: -

  • Example: ./key.pem

Data Platform

Setup fields for TopBraid Data Platform, a high-availability solution for EDG servers.


Selects the storage engine to use for EDG. See Database Type: Application data storage for more information.

The default engine (SharedTDB) requires no further setup.

  • Syntax: DataPlatform or SharedTDB

  • Default: SharedTDB


URL of the Data Coordinator server for Data Platform.

Specifying this without setting databaseType to DataPlatform allows legacy setups where selected graphs are on Data Platform but the system graphs are not.

  • Syntax: URL

  • Default: -

  • Example:


Exactly one node in a Data Platform cluster must have this set to true.

  • Syntax: true/false

  • Default: false


Directory in the workspace where Data Platform keeps local state. Do not change this unless instructed by TopQuadrant Support.

  • Syntax: Directory path, relative to workspacePath

  • Default: Zone

Security hardening

Security settings that further lock down the sandbox around various features.


On production systems, these settings should be enabled unless a feature is required for customisations/integrations.


Disable ADS SQL features such as SQL.query()

  • Syntax: true/false

  • Default: false


Disable ADS IO.http function

  • Syntax: true/false

  • Default: false


Disable access to files outside of the workspace

  • Syntax: true/false

  • Default: false


Disable JSON-LD remote context loading

  • Syntax: true/false

  • Default: false


Disable upload of customization projects via the Upload Project Admin Page

  • Syntax: true/false

  • Default: false


Disable the SERVICE keyword in SPARQL queries. The keyword allows sub-queries to external SPARQL endpoints.

  • Syntax: true/false

  • Default: false


Disable HTTP access from SWP scripts

  • Syntax: true/false

  • Default: false


Disable the URL list corpus connector

  • Syntax: true/false

  • Default: false


Disable support for remote data sources

  • Syntax: true/false

  • Default: false


Disable editing of remote data sources. Only meaningful if disableRemoteData is not set to true.

  • Syntax: true/false

  • Default: false



Session timeout in minutes. Users will have to log in again after this period of inactivity.

  • Syntax: Integer number

  • Default: 90

repositoriesProjectName (deprecated)

Changes the name of Repositories directory within the workspace to accommodate legacy workspaces (e.g., EVNProjects for old EVN workspaces)

  • Default: Repositories


Configure public services

  • Syntax: Space-separated list of URLs relative the the application root

  • Default: -

  • Example: service/myAssetCollection/ex/SomeService service/other/ex/OtherService


The setup file uses the properties file format. In summary:

  • An entry consists of a single line with a field name and a value:

    fieldName = value
  • Comments: Lines starting with #, and empty lines, are ignored

  • Values may span multiple lines if the end in a backslash character \. Whitespace at the beginning of subsequent lines will be ignored:

    fieldName = This is a \
                multiline value
  • Backslash characters, such as in Windows file paths, must be doubled:

    workspacePath = C:\\EDG\\workspace
  • If the same field name occurs multiple times, only the last value will be used:

    fieldName = First value will be ignored
    fieldName = Last value will be used
  • UTF-8 character encoding is used for international characters

Directories and file names as values

Some fields expect file paths as values. These rules apply:

  • Relative paths are interpreted relative to the setup file location. For example, the value users.yaml references a file called users.yaml in the same directory as the setup file.

  • On Windows, either a single forward slash / or a double backslash \\ must be used as directory separator.

Reading values from files or environment variables

Environment variables: ${env:XXX}

When used in a value, the syntax ${env:XXX} will be replaced with the environment variable $XXX.

File contents: ${file:xxx.txt}

When used in a value, the syntax ${file:xxx.txt} will be replaced with the contents of the file xxx.txt. The path can be absolute or relative. If relative, it is interpreted relative to the setup file’s location.

In this example, the Secure Storage password is read from an environment variable $EDG_VAULT_PW to avoid having it in clear text in the setup file:

vaultPassword = ${env:EDG_VAULT_PW}