TopBraid Suite 7.5.0 - Bug fix: TBS-5378: Upgrade Swagger to version 2.2.4 to fix downstream vulnerability CVE-2022-25857 - Bug fix: TBS-5453: Fixes an error when importing a spreadsheet with many, many columns. - Feature: TBS-4648: Statistics of Problems and Suggestions panel now also display the total duration. - Improvement: TBS-4648: SHACL validation and other report features (when used from the Problems and Suggestions panel and GraphQL) now use a thread pool, leading to better performance when executed on multi-core hardware. Can be switched to single-threaded execution in P&S panel for old behaviour. - Removed: TBS-5103: Removed ability to configure SDB cache-all behavior and to selectively cache graphs at startup - Removed: TBS-5103: Removed legacy components: files dynamic/graphconfig.ttl and web/2014/graphconfig.ttl, service tbladmin:ResetCachedGraphService, control element tbladmin:setCacheGraphAtStartup, functions tbladmin:isCacheable, tbladmin:isGraphCachedAtStartup, smf:isCachedGraph, smf:resetCachedGraph - Bug fix: TBS-5162: Consistently use workspace-relative paths when file:// URIs are used as fallback base URIs for files in the workspace - Change: TBS-4402: Upgraded to Jena 4.6.1 and RDF Delta 1.1.2. - Change: TBS-5181: Some aspects of .rdf file handling have been changed to match behavior for .ttl - Bug fix: TBS-5220: Remove cfg:tempGraphMinimumLife which did not work as described - Feature: TBS-5199: Added setup parameter disableADSSQL to disable ADS SQL features (e.g., for security reasons). - Feature: TBS-5200: Added setup parameter disableJSONLDRemote to disable remote loading of JSON-LD contexts. - Feature: TBS-5200: Added setup parameter disableADSHTTP to disable ADS IO.http function (e.g., for security reasons). - Feature: TBS-5202: Added setup parameter disableExternalFiles to disable access to external files from various SML modules. - Feature: TBS-5200: Added setup parameter disableSWPHTTP to disable various HTTP requests from SWP scripts. - Feature: TBS-5224: Added setup parameter disableSPARQLSERVICE to generally disable SERVICE requests from SPARQL. - Feature: TBS-5201: Added setup parameter disableProjectUpload to generally disable project upload. - Removed: TBS-5199: Removed legacy SWP elements uidb:select and uidb:update. - Feature: TBS-5274: Added ADS-based rule type dash:ScriptRule. - Removed: TBS-5274: Deleted SHACL-JS support (including SWP element ui:js). ADS is far more powerful. - Bug fix: TBS-5285: Tabs such as Export were duplicating entries that were ui:overrides. - Removed: TBS-5287: Deleted Comparison Report from Reports tab for Workflows, redundant with the recently added workflow panels. - Change: TBS-5269: The SWP element uix:asAdmin is now reserved for TopQuadrant projects only. - Removed: TBS-5295: Deleted Create/Restore Snapshot of EDG admin features and corresponding services - Bug fix: TBS-5456: Fixes an issue with the EDG Permissions Management page when an organization is assigned permission to a collection. - Bug fix: TBS-5305: Form now disallows assigning malformed xsd:integers, e.g. at sh:minCount/maxCount. - Bug fix: TBS-5305: Form Preview button now shows an error dialog if one of the fields has a fatal error. - Bug fix: TBS-5306: ADS function IO.http() now defaults to UTF-8 charset to create entities and now ignores case of "Content-type" header. - Bug fix: TBS-5308: SPARQL and Script Editor panel now bring the result panels into the foreground after execution. - Removed: TBS-5309: Support for .swp files - use .ui.ttlx instead. - Bug fix: TBS-5311: Importing certain Excel files did not work due to a crash in the converter code. - Improvement: TBS-5312: Qname-based autocomplete (e.g. in the SPARQL panel) is now faster. - Removed: TBS-5299: Old SPARQLMotion files were deleted. Please remove any remaining owl:imports to them: - sparqlmotion.ttl - sparqlmotionlib.ttl - sparqlmotionlib-core.ttl - sparqlmotionlib-tb.ttl - diff.ttl - Removed: TBS-5299: SPARQLMotion modules (that were available from SWP scripts): - sml:ConcatenateText: was already deprecated for a while in favor of GROUP_CONCAT - sml:ConvertStringToSPINRDF: SPIN (RDF syntax in particular) has become obsolete by SHACL - sml:ConvertTextToRDFList: use magic property tops:constructRDFList - sml:CreateSpreadsheet - sml:ImportSystemTriples: use new named graph instead, e.g. from SPARQL's GRAPH keyword - sml:ResetSPINCaches: unlikely still needed - sml:SendEMails and other elements with sml:selectQuery now require SWP SPR result sets with {# ... } syntax - Removed: TBS-5299: The magic property smf:subGraphs. - Bug fix: TBS-5188: Prevent multiple instances of emotion framework from loading. - Improvement: TBS-5345: Better placement of hover window in Script Panel (now: under the word, assuming there is enough vertical space). - Bug fix: TBS-5191: Invalidate the cached Bearer token if the OAuth parameters change. - Deleted: TBS-5020: Deleted several SPARQL functions including smf:localRange (use swa:localRangeAtClass), swa:countStringMatches, swa:hasAppName, swa:hasPropertyGroupValue, swa:isMulti, swa:isSingle, swa:mode, swa:modeProperty, swa:propertyCommentAtNode, swa:propertyEditWidget, swa:propertyViewWidget, the magic property tops:localRanges, and the SWP element ui:parseJSONLD. Also the servlet /tbl/jsonldContext was deleted, and the graph is no longer included as an owl:import of new .tch graphs. - Improvement: TBS-5351: SPARQL Debug (Algebra) button now also shows the Algebra after Optimizations have been applied, and the diff. - Removed: TBS-4758: The option to have _COUNT and _CONCAT fields in the GraphQL schema. This was discouraged and off for a few versions. - Feature: TBS-5092: Asset types will now inherit Default Saved Searches from parent classes including Saved Searches imported through graph includes. Default Saved Searches are now listed on the Search Library Panel. - Change: TBS-4899: Moved Includes Dialog functionality to a stand-alone page. - Feature: TBS-5380: Added dash:DetailsEditor as nested form suitable for properties that declare a sh:node constraint and sh:nodeKind sh:BlankNode. - Improvement: TBS-5363: DDL import now logs all sytax errors including those related to non parsed statements. - Feature: TBS-5371: DDL import now parses remarks from "COMMENT ON" statements. - Change: TBS-5376: Class hierarchy, Assets hierarchy and Node shapes panel now order by label case-insensitively. - Feature: TBS-5214: The Explore menu of the Home asset now has new item "Compare with Asset Collection" producing a tabular report. - Feature: Added API function tbs.workflowLabel(workflowId). - Change: TBS-5389: Most tabular components now always show the paging footer, for consistency. - Feature: TBS-5248: Statistics dialog of the Problems and Suggestions panel now reports individual SPARQL queries. - Removed: TBS-5320: Removed html-webpack-plugin from UI build requirements. - Change: TBS-5390: Updates terser-webpack-plugin, webpack to address CVE-2022-25858. - Change: TBS-5397: Renamed special graph urn:x-tb-authgraph to urn:x-tb:authgraph to make it a valid URI. - Removed: TBS-5392: Removed imagemin. - Change: TBS-5400: Update babel-loader, copy-webpack-plugin, and mochapack to mitigate CVE-2022-37601. - Removed: TBS-5400: Remove null-loader. - Bug fix: TBS-5077: Upgrade embedded Tomcat to version 9.0.68 to fix CVE-2022-29885 and CVE-2022-23181. - Removed: TBS-5321: Removes isomorphic-fetch. - Feature: TBS-5043: Allow TLS certificate-based authentication for Hashicorp Vault. - Bug fix: TBS-5398: GeoSPARQL support now works for all SPARQL queries, not only from the SPARQL servlet. - Bug fix: TBS-5117: When EDG is configured to use SharedTDB: Previously, in certain situations, if an asset collection were deleted, its triples were not removed from the SharedTDB data store. These triples are now removed when the asset collection is deleted. There is also now an option to manually remove any of these vestigial triples left over from earlier releases. - Change: TBS-5405: GraphQL engine argument maxViolationCount was renamed to maxResultCount and now applies to all validation results, including Info and Warning. Accordingly, the P&S panel now calls this setting "Max number of validation results". - Change: TBS-5407: Script Editor panel and the script servlet now supports a setting to force raw JSON instead of post-processing results. Also: Results display of the Script Editor panel now returns arrays of complex objects as JSON instead of tabular name-value pairs. - Improvement: PSP-54: Added filter to P&S panel which supports filtering validation results by type; All, Info, Warning, Warning&Violation, Violation. - Bug fix: TBS-5418: SWP-based web services that declare arguments without a valueType now consistently expect those in Turtle syntax. This fixes a problem with the tbs/setConfigValue service when called using HTTP. - Change: PSP-54: Added filter to P&S panel which supports filtering validation results by type; All, Info, Warning, Warning&Violation, Violation. - Bug fix: The service functions tbs.userEmail and tbs.userURI are now marked as context-free. - Bug fix: TBS-5421: Fix HTTP 500 error in importRDFFile service when called without multipart payload - Change: TBS-4854: Workflow templates now support a new mechanism to implement side effects of workflow transitions. See the class teamwork:WorkflowStatusScript as the starting point. We have marked the previous mechanisms teamwork:WorkflowAction/teamwork:stateEntryAction, teamwork:CommitRules and teamwork:StatusChangeRules as deprecated and plan to remove their support in a future release. Please migrate your customized workflows to the new architecture and let TopQuadrant know if you have concerns about this deprecation. - Improvement: TBS-2657: Update TinyMCE to react component. - Improvement: TBS-5315: Added Export to Excel, CSV, TSV for Workflow report panel - Bug fix: TBS-5434: dash:ScriptFunctions now use the current context graph (e.g. for teamwork.currentMasterGraph()). - Bug fix: TBS-5356: In ADS scripts executed from within SWP contexts, the active query graph of the SWP engine had precedence over the currently active ADS graph. - Improvement: TBS-5414: Script Editor panel now supports Alt/Option+Enter to execute scripts, bypassing preview. - Change: TBS-5436: In the ADS core API, deleted GraphNodeArray.toJSON because it was causing problems, e.g when JSON.stringify was used over the result of a .map() operation. - Improvement: TBS-4786: EDG rebranding - Feature: TBS-2396: The auto-complete editor now shows a drop down menu to select the class if a property has multiple sh:class constraints in a sh:or. The form for object properties now displays the classes that are specified by a sh:or constraint, with a button to edit them. - Improvement: TBS-5440: dash:ScriptFunctions with sh:returnType rdf:JSON now return arbitrary JSON as returned by the script. - Improvement: TBS-5489: made auto-complete index more robust for corner cases where a resource has a URI as rdfs:label. - Bug fix: TBS-5445: Crosswalk label matching algorithm did not match terms containing dashes (-). - Improvement: TBS-5448: Crosswalk mapping suggestions did not display the actual strings but dropped special characters (view only). - Bug fix: TBS-5443: Fixed date in basket wrapping to a new line - Bug fix: TBS-5419: Fix Search Panel rendering error caused by filtering after selecting a resource in the table. - Improvement: TBS-4908: Secondary menu of Collections dropdown will expand to render as much of the graph name as the display will allow. - Improvement: TBS-5428: Help link in user menu opens in a new window - Improvement: TBS-5318: Updated jQuery-UI - Bug fix: TBS-5430: Starting Studio with --system-projects failed if it was previous started with a different value - Removed: SPARQL function uix:hasPrinicipal() - Bug fix: TBS-5493: ADS graph.transaction failed to fire side effect rules (e.g. dash:ChangeScripts). - Bug fix: TBS-5491: Memory Management page in Server Administration was not working on Tomcat 8.5 - Bug fix: TBS-5258: Potential deadlock on SPARQL Update modifying master graphs during parallel update to same graph - Improvement: TBS-5462: Workflow report panel, select all checkbox to select all resources not only displayed - Feature: TBS-5332: Defines a wizard for the collection includes process, informs the requestor of conflicts, wizard allows the user to ignore issues or request permissions for the impacted parties. - Feature: TBS-5334: Defines permission request table on asset collection users tab, defines ability to approve/deny permission requests. - Improvement: TBS-5208: Search Panel: when auto add columns setting is true, corresponding columns will be cleaned up when filters are removed. - Feature: TBS-5459: EDG Diagram: now defines a custom edge for rdfs:subClassOf. - Feature: TBS-5461: EDG Diagram: edge arrows now scale with the edge when adjusted. - Feature: TBS-5460: EDG Diagram: edge ports are now movable. - Improvement: TBS-5267: URL List corpus connector can now be disallowed with option. - Removed: TBS-5268: Local directory corpus connector removed from EDG server. Still available in EDG Studio. - Removed: TBS-5425: JDBC drivers are no longer included in product distributions. - Improvement: TBS-5355: Verify integrity of backup files downloaded from Amazon S3 - Feature: TBS-5147: EDG in app notifications UI - Improvement: TBS-5307: Panel labels default to a generic value if they are loaded in the background. - Bug fix: TBS-5373: EDG Enumerations singleton breadcrumbs is now not clickable. - Bug fix: TBS-5420: Fix Subject Area dropdown cutoff in create collections page - Improvement: TBS-5322: GraphiQL Updated - Improvement: TBS-5508: Property Groups panel now remembers newly created or added groups even if they hold no property. - Improvement: TBS-5506: The GraphQL service is now more resilient when values of a dash:indexed property lack a dash:index. - Bug fix: TBS-5522: Switching to Display IDs mode in Classes Hierarchy did not refresh the tree except for Ontologies. - Bug fix: TBS-5523: ADS APIs now make sure that only the correct system prefixes for owl, rdf, rdfs, sh and xsd are used. Among others this problem may have broken EDG diagrams when ontologies declared unsuppored prefixes. - Bug fix: TBS-5527: Secondary forms sometimes did not render after reloading. - Bug fix: TBS-3705: Removed sh:maxCount 1 from definition, changeNote, editorialNote and historyNote at Glossary term. - Bug fix: TBS-5539: SPARQL INSERTs with unbound ?graph variables sometimes crashed. - Bug fix: TBS-5432: Fix some issues with data invisible when pagination is active. - Bug fix: TBS-5546: Fix issue with SPARQL Results panel not properly loading results on first query execution. - Bug fix: TBS-5545: Fix issue with not resetting selected entities in workflow report panel when changing workflows. - Bug fix: TBS-5276: Fixed issue of removing target="_blank" in Sanitizer; - Bug fix: TBS-5552: Fixed sorting issue with Viewpoint Selector in Search Panel. - Bug fix: TBS-5569: Context-free ADS web services sometimes crashed with an NPE. - Bug fix: TBS-5570: Business Activity was stating the name of the 'subActivity' property the wrong way round. This might have caused the wrong parent-child relationships to be stated. Also added a constraint to prevent self as the sub-activity. - Bug fix: TBS-5572: Fixing filter flyout data value refresh when filter value is changed. - Bug fix: TBS-5561: Fixed an issue with path name interpretation in teamwork:renameFile.