.. _WorkflowPreviewPanel: Workflow Preview Panel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Workflow Preview Panel provides a text-based view of the difference between a workflow and the production copy of an asset collection. It is particularly useful to preview scenarios where workflows edit multiple asset collections at once. The panel shows one or mode "diff" viewers using Turtle notation. The green text shows the triples that will be added and the red/pink text shows triples to be deleted. **Toolbar Buttons** * **Refresh** populates the panel. **Settings** * **Also validate the edited assets** will on the next refresh also perform constraint validation, basically simulating whether the edit would cause new constraint violations. **See Also** * :ref:`EditedAssetsPanel` * :ref:`StartNewWorkflowPage` * :ref:`WorkflowReportPanel` **Further Reading on Workflows** * :ref:`understanding_and_using_workflows_target` **Further Reading on TopBraid** * :ref:`introduction`