.. _TeamworkConfigurationSection: Teamwork Configuration Section """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" This section of the :ref:`ProductConfigurationParametersAdminPage` can be used to set the following values: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 20 60 :class: tight-table * - Parameter - Default - Description * - *Comments activated* - true - Allows comments on data resources * - *Tasks activated* - true - Allows user tasks on data resources * - Disable Profile Avatars - false - Set this to true to remove the ability for users to add a profile image in the User Directory page. * - *Default namespace suggestion* - http://example.org/{type}/new# - This is the string used to pre-fill the **Default namespace** field for a new vocabulary/asset. The EDG default is *http://example.org/{type}/new#*, which an administrator can customize here. **Note** that the variable *{type}* produces the lowercase plural name of the vocabulary/asset type, e.g., “ontologies”. * - *Constraint violations block editing* - false - If true then the edit forms will block saving of edits if violations have at least ``sh:Violation`` severity. By default, users can override all violations, irrespective of their severity level, and continue despite them. * - *Only admins can upload files from TriG files* - true - If true then only administrators can upload TriG files containing graphs that are mapped to files. **Further Reading on TopBraid** * :ref:`introduction`