.. _StartNewWorkflowPage: Start New Workflow Page ======================= This page can be used to create a new workflow for an asset collection. You can reach this page, among others, from the :ref:`WorkflowsTab`. To start a new workflow, you can enter: * **Workflow Template**: If your TopBraid instance defines more than one workflow template (see :ref:`WorkflowTemplatesPage`) you can select one of them here. * **Name**: This must be a display name that has not been used for any other workflow in this asset collection. * **Description**: Can be used to communicate to your colleagues what the workflow is supposed to achieve. * **Also allow edits to**: Lists the included asset collections with the option to also allow edits to the assets defined in them. This essentially means that the workflow is going across the boundaries of multiple asset collections, e.g. to make complex changes. .. caution:: Workflows that allow edits to multiple asset collections require extra care. In particular you should double-check that the changes that you are making actually end up in the right place. Use the :ref:`WorkflowPreviewPanel` to verify which statements will go into which asset collections, before committing such workflows. **See Also** * :ref:`WorkflowPreviewPanel` * :ref:`WorkflowTemplatesPage` **Further Reading on Workflows** * :ref:`understanding_and_using_workflows_target` **Further Reading on TopBraid** * :ref:`introduction`