.. _Settings_ExternalGraphURI: Settings > External Graph URI ----------------------------- This feature from the :ref:`SettingsTab` can be used to set a so-called *external graph URI* for the current asset collection. The external graph URI is an optional alias for the asset collection identifier, used when exporting an asset collection as serialized RDF graph, see :ref:`Export_ExportAsAnRDFFile`. It can also be used on import of interconnected RDF files when they are loaded into different asset collections - to appropriately re-route their ``owl:imports`` references. .. note:: If the external graph URI is left unspecified, the asset collection is always identified using the URN that you can see under :ref:`Settings_GraphURI`. .. caution:: Although often similar, graph URIs have nothing to do with namespaces and prefixes. Namespaces and prefixes identify individual assets while graph URIs identify the whole graph in a data set. **See Also** * :ref:`Export_ExportAsAnRDFFile` * :ref:`Settings_GraphURI` **Further Reading on TopBraid** * :ref:`introduction`