.. _SPARQLResultsTablePanel: SPARQL Results Table Panel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The SPARQL Results Table Panel is automatically opened and populated when SPARQL SELECT or CONSTRUCT queries are executed from either the :ref:`SPARQLQueryPanel` or the :ref:`SPARQLLibraryPanel`. The panel displays a (potentially large) table with rows for each result variable. You can then sort the results by clicking on the column headers or export the results to various formats. **Toolbar Buttons** * **Available batch actions** shows the :ref:`BatchActionsMenu` for the assets (non-literals) from any row and column. * **Re-run query** executes the most recent query again, for example after data has changed. * **Export query results** shows a drop down menu offering various result export formats including Tab-separated values, JSON, XML and Turtle. **Settings** * **Display IDs instead of labels** toggles between human-friendly labels and machine-friendly qnames. **See Also** * :ref:`SPARQLLibraryPanel` * :ref:`SPARQLQueryPanel` **Further Reading on TopBraid** * :ref:`introduction`