.. _SPARQLPropertyFunctionsLibrary: SPARQL Property Functions Library ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Property Functions are SPARQL features that are invoked using a syntax similar to triple match patterns. In these, the name of the property function is used in the predicate position. This is why they are sometimes called *magic properties*. TopBraid's :ref:`SPARQLEngine` includes a library of property functions, including those defined by the Apache Jena API but also several significant extensions that are native to TopBraid. .. hint:: To see a list of supported functions, including the property functions, press the Help button in the :ref:`SPARQLQueryPanel`. Advanced users of TopBraid can define their own SPARQL property functions using the :ref:`DASHVocabulary` as instances of `dash:MultiFunction`. **Further Reading on SPARQL Property Functions** * `DASH Multi-Functions (External Link) `_ **Further Reading on TopBraid** * :ref:`introduction`