.. _SPARQLEngine: SPARQL Engine ------------- The SPARQL engine included in TopBraid is essentially the ARQ engine from the Apache Jena API. It covers all SPARQL standard features plus a few non-standard extensions. .. note:: Apache Jena is tracking the work on RDF-star and SPARQL-star, which means that some of the features that may be available go beyond the SPARQL 1.1 standard. Note however that these features are not supported by TopBraid and the :ref:`SPARQLQueryPanel` or the :ref:`SPARQLEndpointPage` may not allow entering such queries. One of the most significant extensions to the standard SPARQL engine that is specific to TopBraid is the rich :ref:`SPARQLFunctionsLibrary` and the ability to declare new functions using the DASH vocabulary. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: GeoSPARQLSupport SPARQLFunctionsLibrary SPARQLPropertyFunctionsLibrary **Further Reading on TopBraid** * :ref:`introduction`