.. _Menus: Menus ----- The :ref:`Editor` has drop down menus in various places, allowing you to execute actions on the selected asset(s): * :ref:`ContextMenu` items are available for all users from the vertical dots button in the upper left corner of the :ref:`FormPanel` or from the right-click context menu of any asset. * :ref:`ExploreMenu` items are available for all users from the Explore button on the :ref:`FormPanel` or from the right-click context menu of assets. These operations do not perform changes. * :ref:`ModifyMenu` items require editing permissions and are available from the Modify button on the :ref:`FormPanel` or from the right-click context menu of assets. * :ref:`BatchActionsMenu` items are available from the vertical dots button on various tabular panels, such as the :ref:`AssetListPanel` and the :ref:`SearchPanel`. They apply to the assets that are selected with checkboxes. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: BatchActionsMenu ContextMenu ExploreMenu ModifyMenu **Further Reading on TopBraid** * :ref:`introduction`