.. _Manage_ConfigureNotifications: Manage > Configure Notifications -------------------------------- This feature from the :ref:`ManageTab` can be used to select which notifications shall be used by the current asset collections. TopBraid can send notifications to users in specified roles when specific kinds of change happen. Notifications for each asset collection type can be configured for the EDG server but users with *manager* privileges can override the EDG-wide defaults. .. note:: In order to receive email notifications, the SMTP parameters in the Server Configuration must be configured. Clicking on the Configure Notifications link will display a page listing all available Notification Events together with check-boxes to select the governance roles that will be notified. The association of users with the governance roles for a collection is configured via either **Governance Areas** page or directly for a collection on the :ref:`UsersTab`. .. note:: Workflows will also produce notifications after each step for each user able to move to the next state. Enable this in Server Configuration -> Mail Settings. **See Also** * :ref:`DefaultNotificationsSetupSection` * :ref:`NotificationsButton` **Further Reading on Manage > Configure Notifications** * :ref:`edg_governance_model` **Further Reading on TopBraid** * :ref:`introduction`