.. _HierarchyOfSelectedAssetPanel: Hierarchy of Selected Asset Panel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Hierarchy of Selected Asset Panel is similar to the :ref:`AssetsHierarchyPanel` with the difference that it always has a single root node - the currently selected asset in the editor. **Toolbar Buttons** * **Select shape defining properties of the root asset** only shows up if the selected root asset has multiple view shapes associated with it. For example, if the asset has multiple types, you can switch between these types as perspectives. Further, there may be node shapes that have the type(s) of the asset as their target class. * **Select relationship** can be used to simplify the hierarchy to only show a single relationship. See :ref:`AssetsHierarchyPanel` for details. **Settings** See :ref:`AssetsHierarchyPanel` for the settings. **See Also** * :ref:`AssetsHierarchyPanel` **Further Reading on TopBraid** * :ref:`introduction`