.. _GraphExplorerPanel: Graph Explorer Panel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Graph Explorer panel can be used to render assets and their relationships as a simple nodes-and-arrows graph. To populate a Graph Explorer panel, use :ref:`BatchActions_ShowInGraphExplorer`. For example, to visualize the relationships between all assets in the current collection, open the :ref:`LocalAssetsPanel`, select all assets and use :ref:`BatchActions_ShowInGraphExplorer` from the batch actions drop down. You can add mode nodes incrementally, e.g. from the :ref:`SearchPanel`. **Toolbar Features** * **Remove all nodes from graph** clears the content of the graph (without deleting data, of course). * **Refresh** reloads all nodes and edges. Note that the panel does not automatically refresh after edits are done to the data. * **Layout** switches between the available layout algorithms. **Settings** * **Show Overview** displays a mini graph, suitable to get an overview of large graphs. * **Show Types as Legend** displays a legend with the types of nodes that are used in their respective colors. .. note:: Experienced users can add small graphs based on a computed set of nodes and edges to the :ref:`FormPanel` of individual asset types. For example, the form of "Home" assets contains two graphs to illustrate the included graphs. See ``dash:GraphViewer`` for details. **See Also** * :ref:`ThreeDGraphPanel` * :ref:`BatchActions_ShowInGraphExplorer` * :ref:`EDGDiagramPanel` **Further Reading on TopBraid** * :ref:`introduction`