.. _GitIntegrationSection: Git Integration Section """"""""""""""""""""""" The configuration parameters of this section can be used to set up integration with Git versioning systems. This integration can be used to save asset collections to an external Git repository. .. note:: This feature is not available for SaaS installations. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 20 80 :class: tight-table * - Parameter - Description * - *Git Folder* - A local folder on the server that connects to a git repository. This must be the folder with a ``.git`` sub-folder or a sub-folder of such a folder. If a value is given then the user interface will have additional features to commit, push, pull, and import asset collections using that repository. * - *Git user name* - The user name to authenticate to the git repository (e.g. for push requests). Typically combined with a password. Note that for GitHub access, the password may need to be a personal access token. See https://github.com/settings/tokens. * - *Git password* - This field is editable only if the other Git parameters are set. **See Also** * :ref:`Export_CommitToGitRepository` * :ref:`Import_ReloadFromGitRepository` * :ref:`NewButton` **Further Reading on TopBraid** * :ref:`introduction`