.. _EditorPanels: Editor Panels ------------- The :ref:`Editor` is split into various panels that can be opened, closed and rearranged. Use the :ref:`PanelsButton` to open panels, and the :ref:`LayoutsButton` to reset, save or restore a layout. Not all of the panels are available for all asset collection types. Almost all panels have a **Toolbar** on top, with buttons, input fields and settings. The settings show up in the upper right corner of the toolbar. .. tip:: If you have enough screen real-estate, use :ref:`DisplaySettingsAsIcons` from the vertical dots menu in the upper right corner to make it easier to find the available settings of each panel. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: ThreeDGraphPanel AddTagsPanel AssetListPanel AssetsHierarchyPanel AttachmentsPanel AvailableContentTagSetsPanel AvailableCrosswalksPanel ChangeHistoryPanel ClassHierarchyPanel ClassListPanel ContextMapPanel CrosswalkPanel DocumentContentPanel EDGDiagramPanel EditedAssetsPanel FormPanel GraphExplorerPanel HierarchyOfSelectedAssetPanel InferencesPanel InstancesPanel LocalAssetsPanel MapExplorerPanel MappingsPanel MapResultsPanel MatrixPanel NodeShapesPanel ProblemsAndSuggestionsPanel PropertyGroupsPanel RDFOWLPropertyListPanel ReferencesPanel ScriptAPIPanel ScriptConsolePanel ScriptDebuggerPanel ScriptEditorPanel ScriptResultsPanel SearchLibraryPanel SearchPanel ShapeScriptsPanel SourceCodePanel SPARQLLibraryPanel SPARQLQueryPanel SPARQLResultsTablePanel TaggerRecommendationsPanel TagsPanel TaxonomyConceptsPanel WorkflowPreviewPanel WorkflowReportPanel **Further Reading on TopBraid** * :ref:`introduction`