.. _Editor: Editor ====== This is the main tab of the application, where most of the viewing and editing of asset collections happens. The title of this tab depends on the asset collection that you're using. For example, it is called "Ontology" when you're in an Ontology, or "Data Graph" from a Data Graph, or "Assets" from a Data Assets collection. The Editor consists of :ref:`EditorPanels` that can be freely opened, closed or moved around. Use the :ref:`LayoutsButton` and the :ref:`PanelsButton` to control the layout of the panels. In most layouts, there is a navigational component such as the :ref:`SearchPanel` or the :ref:`ClassHierarchyPanel` on the left, and the :ref:`FormPanel` on the center of the screen. The editor typically starts with the "Home" asset selected on the :ref:`FormPanel`. This is the asset that represents the asset collection itself and is a way to manage metadata and annotations about that collection. You can always navigate back to that asset using the :ref:`HomeButton`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: HomeButton EditorDialogs EditorPanels EditorSettingsButton LayoutsButton Menus PanelsButton UndoButton **Further Reading on TopBraid** * :ref:`introduction`