.. _ContextMenu_EndorseAsset: Context Menu > Endorse Asset """""""""""""""""""""""""""" This item from the :ref:`ContextMenu` can be used to add your *endorsement* to the selected asset. Endorsing an asset is a way of showing support or approval for the asset to your co-workers. .. hint:: Endorsements can also be used by (non-anonymous) Explorer users. Such endorsements will be sent to the editors automatically. The number of endorsements will be shown on top of the :ref:`FormPanel` and you can then click on that number to see who has actually made these endorsements. Endorsements will also be listed in the **What's Happening** widget of the :ref:`LandingPage`. .. note:: From a technical point of view, endorsements are stored as instances of ``teamwork:Endorsement`` in the TCH graph of the asset collection. You can use languages like SPARQL to query those. **See Also** * :ref:`Explore_ShowEndorsements` **Further Reading on TopBraid** * :ref:`introduction`