.. _ChangeHistoryPanel: Change History Panel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Change History Panel will show all captured changes (additions and deletions) for the current asset collection and/or workflow. To get started, you may want to press the Refresh button – the panel does not populate or update automatically because fetching the complete change history may be an expensive operation. Each change can be expanded to show details. Added statements are shown in green. Removed statements are shown in pink. **Toolbar Features** * **Revert selected change(s)** is creating a new change history entry that will apply the selected changes in reverse. This means that all added statements from the selected entries will be removed and vice-versa. * **Refresh** will bring the table up to date. * **on selected asset** will only display changes that involve the currently selected asset, which is typically shown on the :ref:`FormPanel`. * **by selected user** will only display changes made by the selected user. * **from workflow** is only visible from the production copy. It will only display changes that originate from a given workflow. * **from workflow only** is only visible from within workflows. It will only display the changes made specifically in the current workflow. * **after** will only display changes that happened after a given date. * **before** will only display changes that happened before a given date. * **predicate** will only display changes that involve a certain attribute or relationship. **See Also** * :ref:`Explore_ShowInChangeHistory` * :ref:`UndoButton` **Further Reading on Workflows** * :ref:`understanding_and_using_workflows_target` **Further Reading on TopBraid** * :ref:`introduction`