.. _BatchActions_EditAssets: Batch Actions > Edit Assets """"""""""""""""""""""""""" This item from the :ref:`BatchActionsMenu` opens a dialog where you can perform edits to multiple assets at once. For example, this feature can be used to quickly add certain values to all instances of a class, or all assets that happen to be found in a given :ref:`AssetListPanel`. In the first step of the dialog, you can pick one or more properties that are used with the selected assets. For each of these properties the dialog then asks you to either delete a value (assuming that value is present for all selected assets) or to add a new value. The dialog concludes with a page where you can review the changes before applying them. If you are familiar with Turtle notation, you may also want to use the **Preview Edit** button at this stage to see the exact details of what is about to be changed. That button will also check whether the changes would introduce any new constraint violations. .. caution:: Like with any batch operation, you should carefully review before committing a change, as they may affect many assets at once. .. hint:: In case you regret such an edit later, you can undo it using the :ref:`ChangeHistoryPanel` later. **Further Reading on Batch Actions Menu** * :ref:`scripting_actions_batch` **Further Reading on TopBraid** * :ref:`introduction`