.. _BatchActionsMenu: Batch Actions Menu ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Batch Actions are available from the vertical dots buttons of various list or table-based :ref:`EditorPanels`, such as the :ref:`AssetListPanel` or the :ref:`SearchPanel`. They generally apply to all rows that have been selected with a checkbox. If the selected asset is a Taxonomy Concept (`skos:Concept`) then the context menu also includes an item to open batch actions for the concept and all its descendants. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: BatchActions_ChangeNamespaceAcrossGraphs BatchActions_DeleteSelectedAssets BatchActions_EditAssets BatchActions_HighlightIn3DGraph BatchActions_ShowInGraphExplorer BatchActions_ShowOnMapResultsPanel BatchActions_UseAsMatrixColumns BatchActions_UseAsMatrixRows **See Also** * :ref:`ContextMenu_AddToAssetList` **Further Reading on Batch Actions Menu** * :ref:`scripting_actions_batch` **Further Reading on TopBraid** * :ref:`introduction`