.. _AutoCompleteEngine: Auto-Complete Engine -------------------- Several widgets of TopBraid's user interface are using auto-complete to select assets. Users start typing the first few characters of a name and the system suggests matching instances of a given class. You can find examples of this in the *Quick Search* fields above the :ref:`ClassHierarchyPanel` or :ref:`TaxonomyConceptsPanel` and on various input fields of the :ref:`FormPanel`. Developers can also access the same functionality, using the API function ``tbs.autoComplete`` and the SPARQL property function (magic property) ``tbs:autoComplete``. .. note:: The auto-complete index is a dedicated in-memory data structure in TopBraid that is based on the display labels of all instances of a given class. It uses ``rdfs:label`` and its sub-properties such as ``skos:prefLabel``. .. warning:: Auto-complete index only works correctly if the label statements (triples) are in the same graph as the ``rdf:type`` statements. **See Also** * :ref:`AutoCompleteManagementAdminPage` **Further Reading on TopBraid** * :ref:`introduction`