Upgrades and Migrations

Before upgrading from an older version of EDG, consult this documentation for migration tasks that might apply to your upgrade. The migration documentation keeps your data and the EDG application functioning correctly after an upgrade, please pay close attention to those details. You can upgrade from any previous release straight to the current release, but you’ll need to use the migration documentation starting at the version you’re currently on and following along to current release. For example, if you upgrade from version 7.3 to 7.5 you’ll need to follow the migration notes for 7.3 to 7.4 and 7.4 to 7.5.

Migration Instructions

  • Please make sure to take backups of everything (workspace, database, tomcat installation, etc.) first.

  • Workspaces cannot be downgraded once you upgrade. If you need to revert versions of EDG, you will have to use the backed up workspace.

  • If you need to, take screenshots of your setting on the Rights Management page.

  • Have your credentials and connections strings/URLs handy for Explorer, RDBMS and S3 connections.

  • Upgrade on your test/development environment successfully before the production environment gets upgraded. This is important when testing customizations to the UI or models especially.

7.5 to 7.6 Migrations

  • Turtle files saved in EDG 7.6 no longer contain the # imports and # prefix headers that were present in earlier versions. Files saved with older versions can be opened in EDG 7.6, but on re-saving these headers will be removed.

  • Lucene whitespaceanalyzer is now the default for new installations and will be the default after a restart of EDG. This allows for searching over special characters in Search the EDG.

  • The Permissible Values feature has been redesigned.
    • supports edg:PropertyValueSet and edg:TaxonomyNodeValueSet

    • these no longer require/use edg:graph, instead use any matching value in the available graphs

    • in order to reference permissible values, their graph needs to be owl:imported

    • creating permissible values can now happen from any editor and from workflows, not just the Manage tab

    • make sure that the permissible values schema is owl:imported

    • either navigate to edg:PropertyValueSet or edg:TaxonomyNodeValueSet and create instances using the new button(s)

    • or navigate to a property shape that has the property at its context class and use Modify > Create Property Value Set…

    • or navigate to a concept and use Modify > Create Taxonomy Node Value Set…

    • sample values (max 10) now show up as inferred property, without custom widget

    • to get all values use Explore actions and web services at the value set, or query the inferred property edg:memberValue

Upgrade Steps from EDG 7.5 to EDG 7.6

EDG Upgrade

REQUIRED : TAKE A BACKUP OF THE WORKSPACE (You cannot revert a workspace). Read all the instructions prior to beginning.

  1. Stop Tomcat, make sure the process is fully stopped

  2. Backup and remove the /edg directory and edg.war file located in [Tomcat Root]/webapps/.

  3. Clear Tomcat work and temp directories.

  4. Place the current release’s edg.war found in the download package into the webapps directory

  5. Backup and remove Tomcat lib directory. Extract TopBraid-Auth.zip from current release’s download package into a newly created Tomcat lib directory created from Tomcat distribution. (This step is to update all the SAML and OAuth authentication jars for EDG. Be aware of any jars that are needed in this directory for Tomcat in your distribution.)

  6. Backup and clear the tomcats logs directory (optional)

  7. Start Tomcat (the current war creates a new /edg/ directory)

  8. If your installation used the Interactive setup method, this will need to be redone upon EDG startup. Please refer to backup copy of your previous EDG directory at edg/WEB-INF/setupdata/edg-setup.properties for previous values. Alternatively prior to upgrade, navigate to /edg/tbl/setup in the EDG UI and find these values at the bottom of the page.

  9. Perform migration steps applicable to your installation

  10. Regression test before upgrading production

Note: If your license has expired, you will need to install your new license before upgrading.

Upgrade Steps from EDG 7.6 to EDG 7.7

ADS Code Generator Bug Fix

If you have developed scripts in ADS, please verify that you did not rely on a bug that we have just fixed: The API code generator was sometimes appending a 2 to the end of a field name. This was the case when the same property was used both in forward and inverse direction at the same class/shape. In that case, for example, ex:hasPart would have been mapped to fields hasPart2 and hasPartInverse. From 7.7 onwards these would be hasPart and hasPartInverse.