.. include:: /includes.rst.txt .. comments - headings # with overline, for parts * with overline, for chapters = for sections - for subsections ^ for subsubsections " for paragraphs * for H5 + for H6 .. _home_page_and_navigation_target: **************************** EDG Home Page and Navigation **************************** Many EDG views are oriented toward a particular type of asset collection, such as *taxonomy*, *ontology*, *data asset collection*, etc. Every view has a header that provides create new collections, a collections navigation menu, breadcrumb navigation, search, and special application links. The main home view, shown below, provides access to top-level EDG searches and other personalized widgets. See below for customizing the EDG landing page. .. figure:: _images/EDG-7-2.jpg :alt: TopBraid EDG Home Page :align: center :class: edg-figure **TopBraid EDG Home Page** 1. *Create New*: Initiates creating a new EDG collection. (see more below) 2. *Basket*: Each user can maintain a personal list of “bookmarked” asset collections or individual assets in their *Basket*. 3. *User menu*: Contains links and system information. 4. *Collections menu*: Provides quick access to Asset Collections and the collection home page. (see more below) 5. *System Announcements*: Announcements can be set by Administrators. (see more below) 6. *Workflow summary*: Shortcut to the logged on users open workflows. 7. *My Tasks*: This widget is a personal view of open tasks assigned to the user. 8. *What’s Happening*: Lists important actions of users in the EDG system. 9. *Search*: Combination search feature. Search for application wide faceted searching across selected EDG resources or Global Lookup which searches across all EDG resources by label prefix. 10. *Recently Viewed Collections*: This widget is a personal view of the last 5 collections viewed by the user. 11. *My Governance Roles*: This widget shows which Subject Areas a user is a member of and their Governance Role within that Subject Area. 12. *Asset Collection Summary*: Counts of each Collection in the EDG system. Users actual count may differ depending on permission to collections. .. include:: ./collections_menu.rst.txt .. include:: ./collection_type_pages.rst.txt .. include:: ./user_directory.rst.txt .. include:: ./announcements.rst.txt .. include:: ./customizing_the_home_page.rst.txt .. |dashboard nav bar| image:: _images/dashboard_nav_bar.png :width: 140px .. comments - headings .. include:: ./searching_across_edg.rst.txt