Changing Asset Collection Metadata

When a collection is in edit mode, clicking on the Home button in the header bar or the title of the collection in the header bar will display information about the collection itself. Edit the information about the collection itself, its subject area or version data for example, using the same Editor application as for other assets.

TopBraid EDG Geography Taxonomy Page

TopBraid EDG Geography Taxonomy Page

In addition to the Metadata view, Ontologies collections (see Working with Ontologies) have a drop down to switch to the GraphQL Schema view.

TopBraid EDG Ontologies Dropdown Views

TopBraid EDG Ontologies Dropdown Views

Use that view to set information used by EDG to generate a GraphQL schema that drives the EDG user interface if using the Data Graphs collection type, for example. In the following figure, three classes from the Geography Ontology are set to be public classes for the ontology.

TopBraid EDG Ontologies GraphQL Schema Settings

TopBraid EDG Ontologies GraphQL Schema Settings