Taxonomy Specific Import Considerations

EDG Taxonomies features include the following special importers:

Importer Details

When using Import RDF File to import data into a collection, EDG performs some transformations. This is done to ensure that imported concepts are visible in the Taxonomy Concepts panel. These modifications are as follows:

  • “Narrower concept” relationships will be used to generate inverse “broader concept” relationships

  • A Concept scheme will be added if none exists. Concepts without broader parents are made top concepts of the scheme


See the SPIN rules in TopBraid/SKOS/skoscleaner.ttl in the EDG workspace for technical details.

When using Import Spreadsheet using Pattern, hierarchical spreadsheet imports will also create concept schemes.

Taxonomy Specific Exports

EDG Taxonomies features include the following special exporters:

Taxonomy Specific Edit Operations

In addition to create operations described in the Create New Assets and Clone and Replace sections, new taxonomy concepts can be created as follows:

  • Select a parent concept, then select Modify>Create multiple concepts… Create multiple instance dialog lets you enter labels for new concepts – one label per line. All labels must be in the same language.

  • Select a parent concept, then select Modify>Clone with descendants … This will clone an entire tree starting with the selected parent concept.

Also see Taxonomy Concepts Panel for additional information.

When you create a child concept, you may want its type to be based on the type of a parent concept. For example, you may want to make sure that all children of assets of type Continent are Countries. To get this behavior, you need to specify a constraint on the ‘narrower’ relationship in the ontology your taxonomy is based on. The constraint must be created on the inverse of skos:broader. For example:

  • Go to the Geo Ontology and select Continent. Then, create a property shape for inverse of skos:broader. Do not modify the existing shape for inverse of skos:broader declared at Concept. You want to create a new one, specifically for the Continent

  • In the create dialog, enter Country in the class field

Now, when creating a child of a continent, you will no longer be asked to select a type, it will be automatically created as a Country.

Taxonomy Specific Reports

In addition to the general reports, there the following specialized Reports tab capabilities for taxonomies:

  • Taxonomy Statistics Report which Displays bar charts for the number of nodes per level and the distribution of the number of children.