.. include:: /includes.rst.txt .. comments - headings # with overline, for parts * with overline, for chapters = for sections - for subsections ^ for subsubsections " for paragraphs * for H5 + for H6 .. index:: Manage Tab .. manage_tab_target: The Manage Tab ---------- The Manage Tab is home to various functions and features needed to manage Asset Collections. New for TopBraid EDG 7.2 the manage tab categorizes features into common areas of functionality. Not all asset collections will have the same categories or features, for example in the image below observe the category **Ontology Specific**, which contains features that are only available to ontologies. .. note:: The manage tab is only visible to uses that have the manager role for a particular asset collection. .. figure:: _images/edg_manage_tab.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Manage Tab :align: center :class: edg-figure-l **TopBraid EDG Manage Tab** Having trouble finding a manage feature? Use the search feature to find exactly what you need. .. note:: The search can match on any text that is visible to the user. .. figure:: _images/edg_manage_tab_search.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Manage Tab Search :align: center :class: edg-figure-l **TopBraid EDG Manage Tab Search**