.. comments - headings # with overline, for parts * with overline, for chapters = for sections - for subsections ^ for subsubsections " for paragraphs * for H5 + for H6 .. index:: pair: Importing; Trig File .. index:: pair: Importing; Zip File .. _importing_trig_file_target: Create Multiple Asset Collections from TriG or Zip File ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The **Create Multiple Asset Collections from TriG or Zip File** button is available after clicking the plus sign in the EDG header to *Create new Asset Collection*. .. figure:: _images/create_from_trig_or_zip.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Create From Trig or Zip :align: center :class: edg-figure **TopBraid EDG Create From Trig or Zip** Clicking the button opens the **Import TriG or Zip File** page and the user simply clicks *Choose File*, selects the desired TriG or ZIP file, and then clicks *Finish*. TriG_ files are an RDF-specific file type that contain one or more named graphs. Zip files are general compressed archives, in this case, containing RDF files that are named graphs. The named graphs that follow the EDG naming convention (e.g. urn:x-evn-master:geography_ontology) will be imported as asset collections with the importing user as the *manager*. Other named graphs will be imported as Turtle files in the EDG workspace. Any pre-existing graphs remain unchanged. An import is not permitted if either of the following is true: * A matching named graph already exists in EDG to which the importing user does not have at least read permission. * There are any triples in the default graph of the TriG file. EDG can create TriG or Zip files for most asset collection types by using **Export > Export [Asset Collection Type] with Includes as a File**. .. figure:: _images/export_tab_trig_or_zip.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Export to Trig or Zip :align: center :class: edg-figure **TopBraid EDG Export to Trig or Zip File** EDG *administrators* can create TriG files using **Server Administration > Create TriG file of all EDG production graphs** (used for testing to backup or replicate a set of collections). .. index:: pair: Importing; Property Definitions (Schema) from a SPARQL Endpoint Import Property Definitions (Schema) from a SPARQL Endpoint ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can use information in the Knowledge Graphs that are external to your EDG installation to create property definitions in an ontology. For information on how to do this, see the guide on :ref:`wikidata_and_other_external_graphs`.