.. comments - headings # with overline, for parts * with overline, for chapters = for sections - for subsections ^ for subsubsections " for paragraphs * for H5 + for H6 .. index:: pair: Importing; Sharepoint .. _importing_from_sharepoint_termstore_target: Import from SharePoint Term store ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Import from SharePoint Term store** is available under the *Import* tab and is only available for **Taxonomies**. Its purpose is to connect directly to a Sharepoint installation and import the stored terms it finds into an EDG taxonomy collection Once selected from the list of importers, EDG automatically uses the pre-configured Sharepoint connector. The user is then prompted to select a Term Set found in Sharepoint to import, and to then click Continue. .. figure:: _images/taxonomy_term_store_select_set.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Import Sharepoint Term Store Select Set :align: center :class: edg-figure-l **TopBraid EDG Import Sharepoint Term Store Select Set** Th importer will then import the Term Set and populate an EDG model reflecting the Term Store concepts. The following figure shows the Term Store concepts as mapped into a taxonomy during import. .. figure:: _images/taxonomy_sharepoint_termstore_edg_concepts.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Imported Sharepoint Term Store Concepts :align: center :class: edg-figure-l **TopBraid EDG Imported Sharepoint Term Store Concepts** If the Term Set was previously imported, the newly imported model will be merged with the existing one. If a new, clean imported set of data is preferred, then delete the Term Set from the collection before re-importing it.