.. comments - headings # with overline, for parts * with overline, for chapters = for sections - for subsections ^ for subsubsections " for paragraphs * for H5 + for H6 .. index:: pair: Importing; DDL .. _importing_ddl_target: Import DDL File ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Import DDL File** is available under the *Import* tab and is only available for *Data Assets* and *Datatypes*. It reads DDL statements (CREATE TABLE, etc.) from an SQL file, and creates corresponding entities in EDG. When importing into a Data Assets collection, the following entities from the DDL file are created: * a Relational Database * any Database Tables defined * any Database Views defined * the Database Columns of the tables and views * a Physical Data Model that serves as a container for the entities about the database **Database name**: The importer will prefix all entity names with a database name, to distinguish the entities created by importing different databases. If no database name is specified, then the name of the SQL file will be used (e.g., NORTHWIND for northwind.sql). The database name serves a role similar to the Catalog names and Schema names within a database server. **Model for Datatype Definitions**: The importer also stores the datatype of each table column. It will re-use existing datatype definitions for previously seen types, and create new ones for the rest. The drop-down tells the importer where to look for datatype definitions and where to import new ones. The options are: * Any EDG Datatypes that have been included into the Data Asset (via General > Includes). * The Data Asset itself. To store imported datatype definitions, we recommend using EDG Datatypes rather than storing them in the Data Assets themselves. SQL Compatibility """"""""""""""""" The DDL import functionality supports MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLServer, Hana, Snowflake, Teradata and Hive. In many imports two forms of problems occur: 1. SQL statements that cannot be parsed: When an input file cannot be parsed, the import process will be aborted and nothing will be imported. An error message will be shown indicating the location in the file where the parse error occurred. It may be possible to manually edit the SQL file to remove the unsupported SQL features. 2. SQL statements only partially understood: In some cases, the importer will be able to understand the basic intent of a DDL statement, but not a specific parameter or argument to the statement. In this case, it will continue and import whatever was understood. Therefore, imported data should be carefully reviewed to ascertain that all needed information has been imported. Customizing the DDL Import """""""""""""""""""""""""" The importing of DDL into Data Assets (import DDL file) and Datatypes (import DDL file) provides an extension point that allows developers to add custom post-processing behaviour to the DDL import. This advanced feature requires a good understanding of :ref:`ext`. In a nutshell, it can be done by overriding the SWP element `edg-importer:PostProcessImportedDDL`. The arguments provided to the prototype are documented on the SWP element itself.