.. include:: /includes.rst.txt .. comments - headings # with overline, for parts * with overline, for chapters = for sections - for subsections ^ for subsubsections " for paragraphs * for H5 + for H6 .. index:: pair: Importing; Data .. index:: pair: Asset Collection; Importing .. _importing_data_into_asset_collections_target: Importing Data into an Asset Collection --------------------------------------- TopBraid EDG lets users load metadata and data from external sources such as spreadsheets, RDBMs, DDL files, JSON, RDF files, XML, RSS feeds, SPARQL endpoints and other formats – with flexible mapping to EDG models. Pre-built import options are available under the *Import* tab for an asset collection or a workflow (working) copy of an asset collection. The *Import* tab is visible only for users with at least Editor privilege. The available importers vary depending on the collection type. Users may not see exactly the same importers because: * Additional importers may be configured by an organization using Import modules that are part of TopBraid EDG’s platform. In that case, the importer is listed as one of the available options alongside the pre-built importers. * Some or all of the pre-built importers may also be deactivated by an organization. Deactivation can be done a per collection basis using **Configure Features** under the *Manage* tab. In that case, fewer importers will be visible than described here. In addition to being available under the **Import** tab, all importers can be executed as services. Dynamic imports from Linked Data sources, including the refreshing of previously loaded values, are executed using options available under the **Transform** tab. Importers described here are effectively “pull” operations where EDG is pulling data through various mechanisms and connectors. .. admonition:: |tip_icon| Using GraphQL and SPARQL endpoints to push data into EDG EDG is an open solution and a powerful capability is for external systems to push data to EDG. This can be done by updating EDG through its GraphQL and SPARQL Endpoints. .. include:: ./importing_spreadsheets.rst .. include:: ./importing_ddl.rst .. include:: ./importing_jdbc.rst .. include:: ./importing_rdf.rst .. include:: ./importing_from_sparql_endpoint.rst .. include:: ./importing_from_sharepoint_termstore.rst .. include:: ./importing_trig_file.rst .. include:: ./importing_concepts_from_documents.rst .. include:: ./imported_data_reports.rst