.. include:: /includes.rst.txt .. comments - headings # with overline, for parts * with overline, for chapters = for sections - for subsections ^ for subsubsections " for paragraphs .. index:: pair: Searching; Special Character Handling .. _lucene_integration_target: Lucene integration and special character handling in Search ----------------------------------------------------------- EDG uses the Apache Lucene library for indexing text. A text index is built on system startup, if it does not already exist. The indexer is using *Graph Listeners* and is updated in near real time as data changes. Users with *administrator* privileges can rebuild the cache on demand using the *Cached Graphs* administration page (see :ref:`edg_administration_and_configuration`). Changing to Lucene WhitespaceAnalyzer """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" By default, both *Search the EDG* and the EDG editor search panel use the Lucene index *StandardAnalyzer*. The default *StandardAnalyzer* **drops** characters such as / and – while the *WhitespaceAnalyzer* preserves them. To search over special characters (such as / ? and -), an *administrator* must enable the *WhitespaceAnalyzer* option in :ref:`edg_configuration_parameters`. After making a change in analyzer, the administrator needs to rebuild the indices using *Text Indices* and *Search the EDG Index*.