.. include:: /includes.rst.txt .. comments - headings # with overline, for parts * with overline, for chapters = for sections - for subsections ^ for subsubsections " for paragraphs * for H5 + for H6 .. index:: pair: Ontologies; Editing .. _ontology_editor_panels_target: Panels for Editing Ontologies ----------------------------- EDG collection editors are composed of panels. The example below is the default view for ontologies. Panels here are labeled 1-5. Just like the other collection editors, the UI for this editor can be customized and arranged and comes with many panels and layouts. .. seealso:: * For information on the panels specific to the ontology editor, see :ref:`ontology_editor_panels_target`. * For information on the general aspects of using EDG editors and on other panels, please see :ref:`viewing_and_editing_asset_information_target`. .. figure:: _images/edg_ontology_editor_default_layout.jpeg :alt: TopBraid EDG Ontology Default Layout :align: center :class: edg-figure-vl **TopBraid EDG Ontology Default Layout** For a walkthrough of each panel of the editor, please read :ref:`viewing_and_editing_asset_information_target` as a prerequisite to this section. Ontology specific details are below. You can add schema panels to an editor for any asset collection, but you will only be able to perform edit operations in these panels if you are in an ontology. If you are in an ontology and some of the editing operations are not available to you, check that you have editing permissions. If you do, then a resource you have selected may be defined in an included ontology. In this case, some of editing is not possible i.e., you can add new statements, but you can’t delete statements that are from the included ontology. .. index:: pair: Ontologies; Class Hierarchy .. _class_hierarchy_panel: Class Hierarchy Panel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This panel displays hierarchy of classes starting with a selected root. Hierarchical relationship between classes is rdfs:subClassOf. You can re-arrange classes in the hierarchy by dragging and dropping. In EDG, every asset is a member of at least one class. Properties are associated with classes and a default view of the asset is determined by classes it belongs to. Alternative views can be defined by node shapes that are not classes themselves but target members of a class. By default, the root class in the Classes panel is set to Thing (owl:Thing). There is a button in the header that lets you switch the root to Resource (rdfs:Resource) – this may be useful for system ontologies. You can also set the root to any class of your choice via Manage > Root Class of Hierarchy. This might be desired, for example, if your ontology specializes another ontology, and you don’t want to show the ancestor classes of your custom classes. Replace the default class-name “Thing” with the name of the preferred root class. Autocomplete will assist in entering the class-name. Another option to modify what is shown in the tree is by using the Settings menu. It lets you elect to show only local classes. This will display in the tree only classes defined in this ontology. Classes from included ontologies will not be shown. Note, however, that if a non local class has local children, then because the non local class will not be shown in the tree, its local children will not be shown either – unless they have another parent that is local. Classes panel has a quick search field. It lets you look up classes displayed in the tree. The lookup is limited only to classes that are children of the currently selected root. The icon to the right of the **Quick search** field will switch from autocomplete lookup based on the label to the full text search across all string properties. To create a new class, select the parent class and then click the **Create Class…** button. Or, alternatively, right click on the parent and select **Create subclass of …** : * EDG will display a dialog box where you enter the name of your new Class and optionally edit the URI generated by EDG as an internal ID for the class. * By default, EDG will automatically generate a URI to uniquely identify the resource by combining the default namespace specified for the ontology on its creation (the default being “http://example.org/ontologies/#”) with a user-entered label for the resource, with any characters that would cause problems in a URI being converted. For example, the URI generated for a class with the label “Nonprofit Organization” might be “http://example.org/ontologies/my_ontology#NonprofitOrganization”. If the generated URI is non-unique, EDG will give you a message that resource already exists. * After you click the OK button, EDG adds the class to the hierarchy. .. note:: Every new class will also be typed as a SHACL Node Shape. If you have started by loading into EDG ontologies in RDFS/OWL, use **Transform>Convert OWL Axioms to SHACL Constraints to generate SHACL Shapes**. This panel has no menu system in the header, instead actions are driven by right clicking on a class. It also has no settings menu. .. figure:: _images/edg_ontology_right_click_options.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Ontology Right Click Options :align: center :class: edg-figure-m **TopBraid EDG Ontology Right Click Options** Create Subclass """"""""""""""" Lets you create a subclass of the selected class. Add to Asset List """"""""""""""""" Adds selected asset to a sharable asset list. Asset lists are available in the :ref:`asset_list_panel` and used for bookmarking or bulk actions. Endorse Asset """"""""""""" Lets you add Endorsement for the selected asset Add to Basket """"""""""""" **Basket** (see :ref:`bookmarking_asset_collections_and_assets_target`) is similar to Asset List but for all of EDG. It is located in the main header bar. Here users can reate new versions of collection or bookmark assets or collections. This is per user and not shared. Open in new Browser tab """"""""""""""""""""""" This opens the new browser tab displaying the selected asset. Open in new Form """""""""""""""" This opens the :ref:`form_panel` for the selected asset. .. index:: Workflow Start Workflow """""""""""""" Starts a :ref:`workflows_target` for this selected asset in this collection. Class Explore Menu ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. figure:: _images/edg_ontology_explore_menu.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Ontology Explore Menu :align: center :class: edg-figure-m **TopBraid EDG Ontology Explore Menu** Provides access to the following operations: * Find Similar Assets … – will open a search dialog to select similarity criteria * Find Usages in Other Assets Collections … – will find other asset collections that reference selected asset * Show Affected Workflows … – will check if any active workflows contain any changes to the selected class * Show Comments … – will let you view already created comments for the selected class and will let you create new comments * Show Endorsements … – will let you view who endorsed this asset * Show in Change History – will open the Change History panel with this asset pre-selected, showing all changes to the asset. * Show Tasks … – will let you view already created tasks for the selected class and will let you create new tasks * Show EDG Diagram – will display the diagram panel for selected class Class Modify Menu ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. figure:: _images/class_modify_menu.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Ontology Modify Menu :align: center :class: edg-figure-l **TopBraid EDG Ontology Modify Menu** The modify menu contains several features for managing classes. Clone … """"""" Clones the selected class. All property shapes associated with the selected class will also be associated with the clone. See :ref:`cloning_and_replacing_assets` for more details. Merge … """"""" Removes the selected class and copy all its information into another, “merged into” class. Not available for classes included from another ontology. Replace … """"""""" Replaces the selected class. Not available for classes included from another ontology. See :ref:`cloning_and_replacing_assets` for more details. Add Label Property Declaration """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Auto-creates a property shape for rdfs:label. Only available if a class is also a node shape. Clone property shapes from … """""""""""""""""""""""""""" Allows users to select a class or a node shape from which to clone property shapes definitions. You will be able to select the properties to clone. Cloning creates copies of selected property shapes as blank nodes. Only available if a class is also a node shape. Derive property shapes from instances … """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Allows users to select an asset collection that contains instance data for this class. It will examine the data and automatically create property shapes based on the data values. Only available if a class is also a node shape. Add property shapes from Spreadsheet columns … """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Allows users to select a spreadsheet to use as an indicative example from which to create property definitions. Only available if a class is also a node shape. Add property shapes from Wikidata sample … """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Allows users to identify Wikidata resource to use as an indicative example from which to create property definitions. You will be able to select properties you want to use and modify their cardinalities and datatypes. New property shapes will be created as resources using the standard Class-property convention for URI creation. Only available if a class is also a node shape. Delete … """""""" After confirmation, deletes the selected class and some associated items. Deleting a class will delete all its instances if they are present in the ontology. Any property shapes will be deleted if they are identified using blank nodes. For more information see :ref:`deleting_assets_in_taxonomies_target`. Not available for classes included from another ontology. Delete with subclasses … """""""""""""""""""""""" After confirmation, deletes the selected class and all its subclasses, transitively. This is not available for classes included from another ontology and is only available if a class has subclasses. Enable SHACL constraints for this class """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" This feature is only available if selected class is not already a node shape, will add a type statement making a class also a node shape .. index:: pair: SHACL ; Qualified value shapes Create qualified value shapes """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" This features allow users to specify conditions that only a certain number of values of a given property must meet. For example, at least 1 and no more than 2 values of “prop” property must be members of Class B, while other values of “prop” can be members of other classes. .. figure:: _images/qvs_shape_dialog.jpg :alt: TopBraid EDG Qualified Value Shape Dialog :align: center :class: edg-figure-l **TopBraid EDG Qualified Value Shape Dialog** .. index:: pair: SHACL ; Node shapes .. _node_shapes_panel: Node Shapes Panel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ While EDG will declare all new classes also as Node Shapes, it also supports creation of Node Shapes that are not classes. This may be useful when creating an alternative view of class members or when creating a shape that will be used in other shapes, for example, as part of logical expressions. Node Shapes panel displays ONLY node shapes that are not classes. It also supports creation of such shapes. This means that in order for these shapes to be used with data, they must be targeted. See W3C SHACL specification to understand targets https://www.w3.org/TR/shacl/#targets. This panel can display hierarchy of node shapes. Hierarchical relationship between node shapes is sh:node. You can drag and drop node shapes to arrange them hierarchically. Organizing a node shape under a parent means that all constraints defined for the parent apply to the child. Node Shapes panel has a quick search field. It lets you quickly look up node shapes of interest. Lookup will only search for node shapes presented in this panel i.e., no classes. The icon to the right of the **Quick search** field will switch from autocomplete lookup based on the label to the full text search across all string properties. Right clicking on a Node Shape, in addition to create action, will give you access to Explore and Modify operations. All operations are described below. .. figure:: _images/edg_node_shape_right_click_options.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Node Shape Right Click Options :align: center :class: edg-figure-m **TopBraid EDG Node Shape Right Click Options** Create Subshape """"""""""""""" Lets you create a subshape of the selected shape. Internally, relationship between a child and parent shape is stored using sh:node. Add to Asset List """"""""""""""""" Adds selected asset to a sharable asset list. Asset lists are available in the Asset List Panel and used for bookmarking or bulk actions. Endorse Asset """"""""""""" Lets you add Endorsement for the selected asset Add to Basket """"""""""""" See :ref:`bookmarking_asset_collections_and_assets_target`. Open in new Browser tab """"""""""""""""""""""" This opens the new browser tab displaying the selected asset. Open on new Form """""""""""""""" This opens the :ref:`form_panel` for the selected asset. .. index:: Workflow Start Workflow """""""""""""" Starts a :ref:`workflows_target` for this selected asset in this collection. Explore Menu """""""""""" Provides access to the following operations: * Find Similar Assets … – will open a search dialog to select similarity criteria * Find Usages in Other Assets Collections … – will find other asset collections that reference selected asset * Show Affected Workflows … – will check if any active workflows contain any changes to the selected asset * Show Comments … – will let you view already created comments for the selected asset and will let you create new comments * Show Endorsements … – will let you view who endorsed this asset * Show in Change History – will open the Change History panel with this asset pre-selected, showing all changes to the asset. * Show Tasks … – will let you view already created tasks for the selected asset and will let you create new tasks * Show NeighborGram – will display NeighborGram panel for selected asset * Show Relationship Tree – will display Relationship Tree panel for selected asset Modify Menu """"""""""" .. figure:: _images/edg_node_shape_modify_menu.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Node Shape Modify Menu :align: center :class: edg-figure-l **TopBraid EDG Node Shape Modify Menu** Provides access to the following operations: * Clone … – will clone selected node shape. All property shapes associated with it will also be associated with the clone. * Merge … – will remove the selected node shape and copy all its information into another, “merged into” shape. Not available for node shapes included from another ontology. * Replace … – will replace selected node shape. Not available for node shapes included from another ontology. * Add Label Property Declaration – will auto-create a property shape for *rdfs:label*. * Clone property shapes from … – will let you select a class or a node shape from which to clone property shapes definitions. You will be able to select the properties to clone. Cloning creates copies of selected property shapes as blank nodes. * Derive property shapes from instances … – will let you select an asset collection that contains instance data for this shape. It will examine the data and automatically create property shapes based on the data values. * Add property shapes from Spreadsheet columns … – will let you select a spreadsheet to use as an indicative example from which to create property definitions. * Add property shapes from Wikidata sample … – will let you identify Wikidata resource to use as an indicative example from which to create property definitions. You will be able to select properties you want to use and modify their cardinalities and datatypes. New property shapes will be created as resources using the standard property convention for URI creation. * Delete … – after confirmation, will delete the node shape. It will also delete some associated items. Any property shapes will be deleted if they are identified using blank nodes. Not available for node shapes included from another ontology. .. index:: pair: Ontologies; Property Groups .. _property_groups_panel: Property Groups Panel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This panel will display properties associated with a selected class or a node shape. Properties are displayed organized into groups, reflecting how they would be shown on a form. If a property does not belong to any group, it will be shown under built-in Other Properties group. The panel lets you create new property definitions (for attributes and relationships) and new property groups. Properties are associated with classes (or node shapes) using property shapes which define constraints on the property values. It is possible to refer to the same property in multiple property shapes. Thus, this panel actually displays property shapes – associations between properties and classes/node shapes. Create New dialogs will create a property shape, associating a property with the class/node-shape and containing value constraints. It will refer to a property that will be used by data, but, by default, it will not create any statements about the property other than the reference in the shape. If “Also create global OWL Properties” on the Manage tab is enabled, it will create a type statement for the property. .. figure:: _images/edg_create_property_shape.jpeg :alt: TopBraid EDG Create Property Shape :align: center :class: edg-figure-m **TopBraid EDG Create Property Shape** Alternatively, as described below, an existing property can be used to create a property shape. The dialogs let you enter a name by which the property will be known in the context of the shape, its textual description and select its cardinality. For attributes, you will also be able to select the datatype (e.g., string, integer). Multiple datatypes can be selected. One common combination is string and langString. This leaves the choice of language tagging a value up to to the user that will enter data. If you do not select a datatype, EDG will add a node-kind constraint indicating that the value is literal. .. figure:: _images/edg_create_attribute.jpeg :alt: TopBraid EDG Create Attribute Dialog :align: center :class: edg-figure-l **TopBraid EDG Create Attribute Dialog** If you start the create process by selecting a property group, it will already be pre-selected in the dialog. Otherwise, you can choose one from the drop down or leave the selection empty. For relationships, you will also be able to select a class values should belong to and/or a node shape they should comply with. .. figure:: _images/edg_create_relationship.jpeg :alt: TopBraid EDG Create Relationship Dialog :align: center :class: edg-figure-l **TopBraid EDG Create Relationship Dialog** Clicking on the “i” icon in the upper right corner of the dialog will provide a description and instructions for each field in the dialog. By default, EDG will automatically generate a URI to uniquely identify the resource by combining the default namespace specified for the ontology on its creation (the default being “http://example.org/ontologies/#”) with a user-entered label for the resource. Any characters that would cause problems in a URI are converted. When creating property shapes, URI of the class and the name specified in the create dialog will be used to create the URI for the property shape For example, if the property name is “new relationship” and it is created for a class with the URI “http://example.org/ontologies/my_ontology#MyClass”, the property shape will have the generated URI of “http://example.org/ontologies/my_ontology#MyClass-newRelationship”. To override the system generated URIs, check Show Identifiers checkbox. The dialog will now show two new fields that can be updated: * ID/Path of Property * ID of Property Shape Definition You can use these fields to override the generated URIs, to use URI of already existing property and to define properties that represent more complex connections between resources. The latter is done by entering path expressions in the ID/Path of Property field. The other two options in the :ref:`property_groups_panel` let you add existing property group for use with your properties and add existing property shape to a selected class. Property Group Operations """"""""""""""""""""""""" If you right click on a property group displayed in this panel, EDG will display the right click menu with the following options. .. figure:: _images/edg_property_group_right_click_options.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Property Group Right Click Options :align: center :class: edg-figure-m **TopBraid EDG Property Group Right Click Options** Create Attribute **************** Lets you create a property shape for an attribute, placing it within the selected property group. Create Relationship ******************* Lets you create a property shape for a relationship, placing it within the selected property group. Add to Asset List ***************** Adds selected group to a sharable asset list. Asset lists are available in the :ref:`asset_list_panel` and used for bookmarking or bulk actions. Add to Basket ************* See :ref:`bookmarking_asset_collections_and_assets_target`. Endorse Asset ************* Lets you add Endorsement for the selected asset Open in new Browser tab *********************** This opens the new browser tab displaying the selected asset. Open on new Form **************** This opens the :ref:`form_panel` for the selected asset. .. index:: Workflow Start Workflow *************** Starts a :ref:`workflows_target` for this selected asset in this collection. Explore Menu ************ Provides access to the following operations: * Find Similar Assets … – will open a search dialog to select similarity criteria * Find Usages in Other Assets Collections … – will find other asset collections that reference selected asset * Show Affected Workflows … – will check if any active workflows contain any changes to the selected asset * Show Comments … – will let you view already created comments for the selected asset and will let you create new comments * Show Endorsements … – will let you view who endorsed this asset * Show Tasks … – will let you view already created tasks for the selected group and will let you create new tasks * Show EDG Diagram – will display EDG Diagram panel for selected group Modify Menu *********** Provides access to the following operations: * Clone … – will clone the selected group. All property shapes associated with the selected group will also be associated with the clone. * Merge … – will merge selected group with another group * Replace … – will replace selected group. * Delete – after confirmation, will delete the selected group. Deleting a group will not impact any properties. They will now be placed under the “catch all” Other Properties group Property Operations """"""""""""""""""" If you right click on a property displayed in this panel, EDG will display the right click menu with the following options. .. figure:: _images/edg_property_operations_right_click_options.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Property Operations Right Click Options :align: center :class: edg-figure-m **TopBraid EDG Property Operations Right Click Options** Add to Asset List ***************** Adds selected property to a sharable asset list. Asset lists are available in the Asset List panel. Add to Basket ************* See :ref:`bookmarking_asset_collections_and_assets_target`. Endorse Asset ************* Lets you add Endorsement for the selected asset. Open in new Browser tab *********************** This opens the new browser tab displaying the selected asset. Open on new Form **************** This opens the :ref:`form_panel` for the selected asset. Start Workflow ************** Starts a :ref:`workflows_target` for this selected asset in this collection. .. _explore_menu: Explore Menu ************ Provides access to the following operations: * Find Similar Assets … – will open a search dialog to select similarity criteria * Show Affected Workflows … – will check if any active workflows contain any changes to the selected property * Find Usages in Other Assets Collections … – will find other asset collections that reference selected asset * Show Comments … – will let you view already created comments for the selected asset and will let you create new comments * Show Endorsements … – will let you view who endorsed this asset * Show in Change History – will open the Change History panel with this asset pre-selected, showing all changes to the asset. * Show Tasks … – will let you view already created tasks for the selected property and will let you create new tasks * Show NeighborGram – will display NeighborGram panel for selected property * Show Relationship Tree – will display Relationship Tree panel for selected property .. _modify_menu: Modify Menu *********** Provides access to the following operations: * Clone … – will clone selected property shape. The label of the clone (preferred label in case of SKOS Concepts) will be set as the label of original asset with “ Copy” post-pended to it. * Merge … – will merge this property shape with another property shape * Replace … –Replace, creates a clone of the selected asset using URI that you will provide and then deletes selected asset. One difference with the clone operation above is that the label will be the same as the label of the original asset, “ Copy” will not be post-pended. You can use this operation if you decide that you need to modify URI identity of a resource. EDG will automatically adjust all incoming and outgoing references. However, it will do so only for the currently selected asset collection. Other asset collections will not be updated. If they contain references to the asset you are replacing, you will see broken links. To understand possible impacts of delete operations see Deleting Assets section. * Declare inverse property … – For a relationship, it will create an inverse - see :ref:`creating_inverse_relationship`. * Create property value rule from template … – will let you create a calculation (inference) rule for property values. * Make Wikidata link – for more information on this option see :ref:`wikidata_and_other_external_graphs`. * Delete – after confirmation, will delete the selected shape. Property values are not impacted. Since asset collections in EDG can include each other by reference, some care needs to be taken when deleting assets. Delete operation only deletes references to the deleted asset that exist in your current asset collection. Deleting a property does not delete property values that are held in another asset collection. Settings menu for this panel provides the following options: * Leave property groups closed – when checked property groups will be shown collapsed with the ability to expand them one by one * Show numeric order values – when checked, numeric order of a property within a group and the order of groups will be shown after the property name in parenthesis * Show defining shapes/classes – when checked, shape/class a property is associated with will be shown in parenthesis after its name and order value .. _form_panel_schema_assets: Form Panel (schema assets) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ See information in the :ref:`form_panel` (any asset) in the Editor documentation since most of the form options described for instances also apply to schema resources. A few additional options are available when working with schema level resources. .. index:: pair: Ontologies; Class Forms .. _class_form: Class Forms """"""""""" Class forms show three alternative built-in views: * A regular default Class view optimized for SHACL * A view to work with inference rules (if a class is also a node shape) * RDFS/OWL class view optimized for RDFS/OWL You can switch between these views by clicking on the dropdown in the right upper corner of the form. .. figure:: _images/edg_class_dropdown.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Class Forms Dropdown Options :align: center :class: edg-figure-vl **TopBraid EDG Class Forms Dropdown Options** What is shown on the class form is defined by ontologies that describe classes – SHACL and OWL: * The traditional SHACL view lets you, in addition to a label and rdfs:comment” create rdfs:subClassOf statements and, if a class is also a SHACL Node Shape, add SHACL definitions e.g., specify using SHACL what properties are anticipated for class members and what their values might be. * RDFS/OWL view of a class lets you, in addition to a label and rdfs:comment and rdfs:subClassOf statements, specify what properties have the class in their domain or range and to enter a number of other OWL axioms – as shown in one of the screenshots below. You can modify what is shown on the form for a class. This is done, as typical in EDG, through ontology modeling. Switch to the Node Shapes panel, select, for example, RDFS/OWL Class View Node Shape and add any property you want to appear on a class form. For classes you will be able to: * Define a class as abstract – no instances can be created * Define a class as hidden – it will not be presented in the Class Hierarchy panel, in the Asset Navigator in the Search panel or in other places where classes a selected e.g., when creating a new Asset. * Use Manchester syntax when editing certain properties. .. note:: In this syntax you need to surround property and class names using the ` character (not the plain ‘ apostrophe). While this feature is available, EDG is optimized for using SHACL and we recommend that the models are defined in SHACL. SHACL shapes are created automatically when you create new properties. .. figure:: _images/edg_superclasses_field.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Defining Superclasses Field :align: center :class: edg-figure-l **TopBraid EDG Defining Superclasses Field** .. index:: pair: SHACL ; Node Shape Forms .. index:: pair: Ontologies; Node Shape Forms .. _node_shape_form: Node Shape Forms """""""""""""""" For node shapes, *including node shapes that are also classes*, you will be able to: * See associated properties displayed in a table on the form and add a new property by clicking on the “+’ icon next the “declared properties” field – as shown in the screenshot below. * Create associated properties by cloning them from another class or a node shape by selecting an option under the **Modify** menu. * Use sample data from another asset collection to create property shapes – an option under **Modify** menu. * Use sample data from Wikidata to create property shapes – an option under **Modify** menu. * Use spreadsheet data to create property shapes – an option under **Modify** menu. * Set targets – this is available only for Node Shapes that are not classes. * Set a node shape as a default view for all user roles or for a subset of roles. If nothing is set, then the default view for members of a class is a node shape that is also a class. * Add label property declaration – autogenerate a property shape for rdfs:label path .. figure:: _images/edg_declared_inherited_properties.jpeg :alt: TopBraid EDG Property Declaration View :align: center :class: edg-figure-l **TopBraid EDG Property Declaration View** .. index:: pair: SHACL ; Property Shape Forms .. index:: pair: Ontologies; Property Shape Forms .. _property_shape_forms: Property Shape Forms """""""""""""""""""" For property shapes, you will be able to: * :ref:`deactivating_property_shapes` Deactivating a shape means that the field will not appear on a form, it will not be available for GraphQL query and no data validation will be performed for its values. * Hide a property. It will no longer appear on a form, but it will be available for GraphQL query and its values will be validated * Mark a property as “read only”. In this case, users will not be able to change it in the form. However, if they have access to source code editing, they will still be able to modify it. * Update a property group, a property belongs to and its order within the group. If no group is selected, then a property will be displayed under the default Other Properties section on a form * Change the order of appearance of a property within a group. If no order is selected, then properties are presented in the alphanumeric order of their labels. Order is numeric and can contain fractional numbers e.g., 1.05 will be displayed after 1.02. * Specify GraphQL field name – only needed if the property label contains characters that are illegal in GraphQL i.e.,hyphens ( – ). Otherwise, the field name is auto-generated if this value is left empty. * Select View and Edit widgets for property values. Typically, this is not necessary as EDG will auto-select the most appropriate widget based on the datatype for literal values. For relationships, the widget will be standard autocomplete. However, some specialized widgets are also available. See the documentation at `DASH Widgets`_ * Add a display name and description for a property field on a form. If a name and/or description exist for both, RDF/OWL property and a property shape, property shape values take precedence. * Add and modify property value constraints. Available constrain differs for attributes (properties with the literal values) and relationships * :ref:`enabling_reification` – to enable adding information to a property * Change the datatype of the property values across graphs – an option under **Modify** menu. This option will let you select graphs that you want to modify. This is typically done if you are planning to change the datatype constraint for a property e.g., from an integer to a string. You will want to first update data and then change the property * Delete property values across graphs – an option under **Modify** menu. This option will let you select graphs that you want to modify. This is typically done if you are planning to remove the property. You will want to first delete data and then remove property definition * Replace property across graphs – an option under **Modify** menu. This option will let you select graphs that you want to modify. You will also select another property. This is typically done if you are planning to remove the property, but you don’t want to loose the values. Instead, you want to give the values to another property. * Generate an inverse shape – only available for a relationship – an option under **Modify** menu. * Create Wikidata link (or a link to another SPARQL endpoint). For more information on this option see :ref:`wikidata_and_other_external_graphs`. * Create a property value rule from a template – an option under **Modify** menu (see :ref:`working_with_rules`). * Set a custom icon for the user interface. Properties marked with the property role 'dash:IconRole' produce images that may be displayed in the upper left corner of a focus node's display, or to the left of a label in a tree display. Instances of the same class often have the same icon, and this icon may be computed using a sh:values rule or via sh:defaultValue. See :ref:`custom_icons_target`. Options you will see on the forms for property shapes will depend on the type of a property – attribute or relationship. Common options are displayed on the screenshots below. .. figure:: _images/edg_property_shape.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Property Shape Page :align: center :class: edg-figure-l **TopBraid EDG Property Shape Page** .. figure:: _images/edg_property_shape_contd.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Property Shape Page (Continued) :align: center :class: edg-figure-l **TopBraid EDG Property Shape Page (Continued)** For literal values (attributes), you will also see the following options: .. figure:: _images/edg_literal_values.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Literal Values :align: center :class: edg-figure-m **TopBraid EDG Literal Values** For relationships, you will see the following options: .. figure:: _images/edg_relationship_options.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Relationship Options :align: center :class: edg-figure-m **TopBraid EDG Relationship Options** Not all constraints can currently be defined using Forms. For some constraints (e.g Logical constraint components), you will need to use the Source Code panel. .. _customizing_forms: Customizing Forms for Classes and Properties """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Sometimes you may need to add your own properties to the forms for schema resources e.g., classes and properties. These forms are predefined with the pre-determined selection of form sections and fields. By default, you will see a field for the label (rdfs:label) and comment (rdfs:comment). You may load an ontology that uses additional properties to capture other information for let’s say classes. To see this information on the form, select **Also display undeclared property values** from the Settings menu on the form. With this option selected, EDG will show all available information on the form, including values of such “undeclared” properties. .. figure:: _images/edg_display_undeclared_property_values.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Display Undeclared Property Values :align: center :class: edg-figure-vl **TopBraid EDG Display Undeclared Property Values** You will be able to see these values, but you will not be able edit them since EDG does not know what type of values they should be. If you need to enter these additional values and not simply see them, you can customize the forms for schema resources by going to either a class (e.g., sh:PropertyShape) or, if multiple views have been defined, a node shape that defines a view. For example: * Go to the Class shape in the Node Shapes panel – this shape defines the default view on a class * Add new property shapes as needed .. index:: pair: Ontologies; Instances .. _instances_panel: Instances Panel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This panel is a table showing all instances of a class selected in another panel e.g., Class Hierarchy panel. **New** button lets you create new instances. While this panel is available in different editors, the main use of it is in the Ontology Editor where Search Results panel with its richer capabilities for working with instances is not available. .. note:: While you could create an instance directly in an ontology, ontologies in EDG are not intended for working with instances. When you create an instance directly in an ontology, you will only be able to create and edit its label and comment information. .. _rdfowl_properties_list_panel: RDF/OWL Properties List Panel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This panel is a table showing instances of rdf:Property class and its subclasses. **New** button lets you create new properties. The main use of the panel is to find properties that do not participate in property shapes. Creating a property in this panel will not create a property shape.