.. include:: /includes.rst.txt .. comments - headings # with overline, for parts * with overline, for chapters = for sections - for subsections ^ for subsubsections " for paragraphs .. _creating_connections_using_edg_tagger_target: .. index:: pair: Crosswalks; Using Tagger Creating Connections using EDG Tagger ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A *Crosswalk* is simply a set of links between assets from two different asset collections. As alternative to a *Crosswalk*, TopBraid EDG’s optional Tagger and AutoClassifier module, supports creating connections between assets in asset collections called *Content Tagsets*. There are a couple of reasons why you may want to do this: * When creating a Content Tagset, you can select multiple mapping (tagging) predicates and then decide which to use when creating each connection. In the Crosswalks, you can only use one mapping predicate at a time. To switch to another predicate, you could update the selection on the **Manage** tab. However, the crosswalk table and the mappings panel will only show connections built using the currently set mapping predicate. * For building connections manually, if your “to” asset collection is a taxonomy, Tagger lets you select you select related resources by browsing taxonomical tree. You can also use full text and parametric search to find resources to connect to. In the Crosswalks, while you can bring up **Taxonomy Concepts** or **Search** panels, manual connections are always built by using the autocomplete. If you decide to use this approach, configure a new Content Tagset by setting the “from” collection as the Content Graph and “to” collection as the Tagging Vocabulary. In the screenshot below, Geography Taxonomy has been selected as the Content Graph and IPTC Taxonomy as the Tagging Vocabulary. As you can see, “Africa” in the Geography Vocabulary has been connected (tagged) with “Africa” from the IPTC using “has exact match” predicate: .. figure:: _images/edg_tagging_vocab.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Tagging Vocabulary :align: center :class: edg-figure **TopBraid EDG Crosswalk Add Match** See the `Using AutoClassifier`_ for further details.