.. include:: /includes.rst.txt .. comments - headings # with overline, for parts * with overline, for chapters = for sections - for subsections ^ for subsubsections " for paragraphs .. _create_new_crosswalk_target: .. index:: pair: Crosswalks; Creating Creating a New Crosswalk ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The **Crosswalks > Create New Crosswalk** link opens a form with fields used to define the new Crosswalk. .. note:: You can also create a Crosswalk by using a Create link in `Governance Areas (and Roles)`_ or the plus button available in the application header bar. The Create dialog box asks for the Crosswalk’s **Label** (name) and, optionally, a **Description**. The Crosswalk creator is set as having *manager* priveleges for the collection. .. figure:: _images/edg_create_new_crosswalk.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Create New Crosswalk Page :align: center :class: edg-figure **TopBraid EDG Create New Crosswalk Page** For both the *From* and *To* collection, select the class of mapped terms from the **Entity Type** drop-down list. For example, for a taxonomy users will choose Concept or one of its subclasses. For code lists, the class name often reflects the code list’s contents more directly, such as a “Market Identifier Code” class in a “Market Identifier Codes” code list. .. index:: pair: Crosswalks; References References to Crosswalks """""""""""""""""""""""" If an asset collection participates in a crosswalk, you will find references to crosswalk(s) in the editor under the **Available Crosswalks** panel. You will be able to navigate to the relevant crosswalks. This panel also lets you create a new crosswalk. When you create a new crosswalk using this panel, you do not need to specify “from” asset collection. From your collection, click the |panels| dropdown located on the right upper corner of the page and drag **Available Crosswalks** somewhere in the page. .. figure:: _images/edg_create_new_crosswalk_higlighted.png :alt: TopBraid EDG Create New Crosswalk Page :align: center :class: edg-figure **TopBraid EDG Create New Crosswalk Page** If you select an asset and then click on one of the available crosswalks, a crosswalk editor will open up with that asset pre-selected so you see what it has been mapped to in the crosswalk. .. |panels| image:: _images/edg_panels_dropdown.png