.. include:: /includes.rst.txt .. comments - headings # with overline, for parts * with overline, for chapters = for sections - for subsections ^ for subsubsections " for paragraphs * for H5 + for H6 .. _edg_server_installation: EDG Server Installation ----------------------- If setup was done incorrectly or is incomplete you will get a setup page instead of the EDG home page. You can always navigate to `"server"/edg/tbl/setup` to see your configurations. The following sections detail specific instructions for running TopBraid servers on Tomcat. There are 2 ways to configure TopBraid EDG and Explorer. First using the setup properties file and second the interactive method. Please choose which ever you feel most comfortable with. EDG installation using the setup.properties file ------------------------------------------------ .. note:: These are not upgrade steps. These are for new installations. 1. Ensure you are running on Java 11 2. Configure authentication for user access. See :ref:`ldap_configuration`, :ref:`tomcat_users_authentication`, :ref:`saml_authentication`, or :ref:`oauth_authentication` depending on preferred authentication method. 3. Copy the file called `edg-setup.properties` from the `topbraid-edg7.1.zip` download into the tomcat root directory (or location readable by tomcat). Modify the parameters in the file per the file instructions. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 50 40 :class: tight-table * - Field - Description - example * - workspacePath - The workspace houses all the data for EDG. This needs to be persistent and have read/write access for Tomcat. - /var/lib/tomcat9/Workspace * - authMethod - See authentication above. - * - authRealm - For basic, sets the name in the header - TopBraid EDG * - securityRoles - Security groups that align with LDAP or ADFS or Tomcat users - admin,poweruser,manager,editor,viewer * - vaultPath - Location of encrypted data for EDG - ./vault.properties * - vaultPassword - Master password used to decrypt and encrypt storage - * - vaultEncryption - Encryption algorithm used for encrypted storage - PBEWithHMACSHA512AndAES_256 * - licenseFile - Path to license file. Do not enter this if you want your Administrators to be able to update the license in the UI. If entered then this file will need to be updated when new licenses are provided by TopQuadrant and the server restarted. - ./edg-license.lic * - sessionTimeout - Tomcat session timeout in minutes - 90 * - databaseType - Choice of database storage option, TDB, RDBMS or Data Platform. Additional fields will need to be entered when choosing DP or RDBMS. Please see descriptions :ref:`database_type_app_data_storage` for more details. Note: If you are using RDMBS please restart your server once setup is complete. - SharedTDB 4. Set the system property `edg.setup` for Tomcat to the full path of `edg-setup.properties`. This can be done in various ways, for example by editing Tomcat’s `conf/catalina.properties` file. For example: `edg.setup=/var/lib/tomcat9/edg-setup.properties` Or you can also modify the command line used to start Tomcat such as: `-Dedg-setup=/var/lib/tomcat9/edg-setup.properties` 5. Place the `edg.war` into the `webapps` directory in tomcat 6. Start Tomcat 8. In EDG, Enter license if location not specified in the setup file. 9. Navigate to Server Administration, Rights Management, make sure security roles are correctly set for ANY_ROLE, administrator, etc. Initially, *all* users will have permissions to *all* EDG resources and functions via the default assignment of AdministratorGroup to ANY_ROLE. An administrator’s initial task should be to use :ref:`access_control` to transfer the AdministratorGroup to their organization’s defined administrative role(s) and then remove it from ANY_ROLE. 11. Now navigate to the home page of EDG. Setup is complete. From now on this file will act as the source of your configuration settings. An administrator should now go over the :ref:`edg_administration_and_configuration` guidance to make any additional adjustments to EDG. If setup was done incorrectly or is incomplete you will get a setup page instead of the EDG home page. You can always navigate to `“server”/edg/tbl/setup` to see your configurations. EDG installation using the interactive deployment wizard -------------------------------------------------------- 1. Ensure you are running on Java 11 2. Configure authentication for user access. See :ref:`ldap_configuration`, :ref:`tomcat_users_authentication`, :ref:`saml_authentication`, or :ref:`oauth_authentication` depending on preferred authentication method. 3. Place the edg.war into the webapps directory in tomcat 4. Start Tomcat 5. Navigate to EDG, this should detect you need to setup configuration and present a page with an option to use the interactive setup. Launch this option. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 :widths: 10 50 40 :class: tight-table * - Field - Description - example * - Workspace - The workspace houses all the data for EDG. This needs to be persistent and have read/write access for Tomcat. - * - License - Upload your license provided by support - * - Authentication Configuration - See authentication above. - * - Roles to be added - Security groups that align with LDAP or ADFS or Tomcat users. Map these to permissions such as Manager, Editor, Viewer in the dropdowns. - admin,poweruser,manager,editor,viewer * - Vault Configuration - Location of encrypted data for EDG - * - Vault Password - Master password used to decrypt and encrypt storage - * - License file - Enter the license provided by TopQuadrant - * - Session Timeout - Tomcat session timeout in minutes - 90 * - Application Data Storage - Choice of database storage option, TDB, RDBMS or Data Platform. Additional fields will need to be entered when choosing DP or RDBMS. Please see descriptions :ref:`database_type_app_data_storage` for more details. - 7. Click the Restart EDG button after submitting the form 8. Navigate to EDG home once the application restarts to log in. Initial deployment and setup is now complete. If setup was done incorrectly or is incomplete you will get a setup page instead of the EDG home page. You can always navigate to `"server”/edg/tbl/setup` to see your configurations. 9. An administrator should now go over the :ref:`edg_administration_and_configuration` guidance to make any additional adjustments to EDG.